Jun 3, 2003
Penis Enlargement Exercise and Equipment
Understanding Stretching

How and Why Size is Gained

I can imagine how confusing it must be for a new Brother to come into the forums and try to understand the many exercises, tools and routines. Jumping into the Newbie Routine is smart if you are just starting out but even in the most basic penis enlargement the question of how and why it works looms over many Brothers heads. Back in the old days (15 years ago) you simply stretched your penis using the Basic Stretching to gain length and Jelqing to gain girth. After Matters of Size opened 100’s of new exercises and routines came along with the various tools we use here. Understanding all of this can be more than taxing, it can become impossible. The idea of this article is to explain the various exercise, routines and tools and explain what they do and the best way to use them.

In length the penis is broken down into 5 areas that encompass the entire penis, Tunica, Shaft, Ligament, Internal and Skin Stretch. In girth it is broken down into 3 areas that encompass the entire penis, basic exercise, advanced exercise and edging. In tools we will explore the LengthMaster, the SizeGenetics, The BathMate, The Phallosan, the VLC, Ace Wrap and Cock ring usage and finally supplementation.

We have been around for 13 years and, in all this time, we have made huge strides in understanding how to gain and heal in the quickest possible time. SRT, being the best routine brought into the PE world brings gains faster than any other method but still there are times some men do not fair as well as others. This thought process can apply to any routine that any group of men practice.

Why is it that some men gain but others, who are doing the same work, gain at a much slower rate? Some may say it is a difference in body and genetics but I beg to differ. There is not much difference in the penis between men, some are bigger, some are smaller but they all have the same genetic makeup for the most part. I subscribed to the idea that it was a genetic issue that caused this but I looked deeper and found another reason, a reason that will change the gaining process for many.

We will be using the SRT Routine as the example since this article will become part of the SRT routine. We may see men making big gains using SRT but then, when others attempt the exact routine, their gains do not come at the same rate as their fellow Brothers. Why is this? Well that is the premise behind this study.

Stretching Specifics and how they effect the penis
A main premise of SRT is passive and active PE exercise. It is important to understand this language as it pertains to two very important parts of the gaining process. Active Exercise is the intense portion of your training where you are making active gains, you routine. Passive Exercise is the healing portion of gaining where we hold expansion or elongation for as long as possible. Both are extremely important in penis enlargement and this is outlined in SRT.

There are literally hundreds of stretching exercises throughout the forum and many are very good but the biggest issue for men is which exercises to use and why they are using them. Taking each type of stretch one by one we will explore what these forms of stretching accomplish. Stretching the penis was always considered a very basic practice but we have found there are many ways of stretching that effect different parts of the penis. This is important because gains come from various areas. Each area needs to be covered in a total routine but to keep things simple, SRT has this outlined for you. Gains in length come from five main areas, Ligament, Shaft, Internal, Tunica and Skin Stretch. Accessing these 5 areas are done using different techniques which are outlined below.

Shaft and Ligamental Stretching

Basic Stretching:
Basic Stretching is something we first learn when we start penis enlargement. These 13 primary positions do something no other stretches do, they cover every possible angle ensuring that if there are gains possible they will be made by including basic stretching in your routine. The positions which are:

Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Right

Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Right

Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Right

Behind the Cheeks to the Center
Behind the Cheeks to the Left
Behind the Cheeks to the Right

Rotary Stretches (small rotations to large rotation)

It is easy to see that these 13 positions are all encompassing in each possible angle of stretch. Many Brothers will stop doing Basic Stretching as they advance in training but this is not a good idea because as you grow new gains will manifest themselves throughout these positions.

Expressive Stretching (internal penis)

If you lay back on your bed with an erection and trace how far into the body the penis goes you will have a great understanding why Expressive Stretching
is so powerful. Expressive Stretching or Internal Penis Stretching allows the user to gain access to this internal penis and allows you to pull it forward and bring it outward as new penis. Most men will have between 7 and 12 inches of internal penis, you will know ho much you have until you check.

Not all of this penis is accessible but a large portion is. Just as we stretch the outer penis and it elongates the same happens with internal penis. The difference in gaining this length is accessing the penis in the most effective way. The most popular and effective exercises are as follows:

LengthMaster Low Grip Stretching
Using the LengthMaster connect the Bundle Chamber at the lowest point possible on the shaft. Once in this position stretch outward in all directions.

BathMate HardCore Stretching
Get yourself 100% erect and attach the Bathmate. I like to use water in the chamber but this exercise can be done dry if proper pressure can be found or in the bath or shower.

Pump up to a high pressure. You will want enough suction that you can pull on the BathMate with intensity and the BathMate stays attached. Once good suction is found you can start the exercise. It may be necessary to repump periodically to keep good suction for these stretches.

Upward Stretches
Straight Outward Stretches to Center
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Right
Straight Down Stretches
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Right

Low Grip Manual Stretching
year. Bundled stretching has always been a great way to make length gains but their is a deeper, more important reason to do Bundled Stretching.

Low Grip Hanging
year. Bundled stretching has always been a great way to make length gains but their is a deeper, more important reason to do Bundled Stretching.

SRT Size Blasters
year. Bundled stretching has always been a great way to make length gains but their is a deeper, more important reason to do Bundled Stretching.

These exercises focus on exposing and stretching internal penis. This is something that should not be skipped. This may sound like you are taking a lot on but I will outline the simplicity of inclusion in SRT with a new routine.

Tunica Stretching

Bundled Stretching
Even though I created these stretches years ago the full understanding of what they accomplish has only come to light over the past year. Bundled stretching has always been a great way to make length gains but their is a deeper, more important reason to do Bundled Stretching.

The single most limiting factor in making gains in both length and girth is the Tunica. The Tunica is a sheath like tissue the covers the entire penis, holding together the Corpus Spongiosum and Cavernosum. Tunica tissue is extremely dense with an elasticity of about 5%. This type of density plays a massive role in why men are slow to gain.

Since the Tunica is so dense it makes it very difficult to cause enough expansion or elongation to stretch this stubborn tissue. Over the last year we have had an increasing understanding of Bundled Stretches and how they effect gains.

Bundled Stretches are where the penis is twisted, like a cork screw, and stretched. Bundles effectively breaks down the dense Tunica and stretches this tissue. This is a massive revelation as it plays a big role in why some men gain faster than others. First the good news, once the Tunica is stretched it can not go back to it’s original size due to it’s lack of elasticity. This is a very important discovery as it really helps us understand a reason some men do not gain at the same rate as others.

Using Bundled Stretches in the best way does not involves hours of work, it really is simple. Before doing length work or girth work get in a session of 10 minutes of Bundled Stretches. What this will accomplish is pre-stretching the Tunica allowing for much greater elongation or expansion. This simple fact could be a major reason for a lack of gains for certain men. If the Tunica is never stretched it makes gaining girth and length so much more difficult.

There are a few ways to so Bundled Stretches, here are some of the more popular ways:

LengthMaster Bundle Stretching
Using the Bundle Chamber of the LengthMaster allowing for two handed Bundled Stretches. This is the most powerful method. Since the Tunica is extremely dense it can take some very intense stretching to effectively deform the Tunica to hold more volume and length. The LengthMaster allows for this in a major way.

SizeGenetics Bundled Stretches
These are a new stretch brought to us by our Brother Jake. These are extremely effective as they allow for long periods of Tunica Stretching with little effort on the part of the user. It makes sense that the SizeGenetics can be used this way in all extending as long as the penis is equally bundled left and right as you start new sets; This will prevent you from uneven gains.

Manual Bundled Stretches
This is as simple as it sounds, you bundle the penis as many times as you can, all men are easily able to make one rotation but as the penis lengthens more twists can be made. Some men can get up to 3 twists. These can be done in the same positions we see them in Basic Stretching, up, out, down and right, left and center stretches on each, Behind the Cheeks and even Rotary Stretches.

Erect Twisted Stretches
This is a new exercise that I created to address the Tunica in an erect state. With an erection, twist once as far as you can comfortably. From here you will use a jelqing motion to cause further expansion of the erectile tissue allowing for even greater Tunica stretch.

Cementing Length
Closing the gap between Flaccid-Stretched Bone-Pressed and Bone-Pressed Erect length

Erect Stretching
Erect stretching is the single most effective way to convert bone-pressed flaccid stretched gains to bone-pressed erect gains. The reason this is so effective is because you are stretching the penis while it is fully erect. This allows the stretch intensity to go directly to erectile tissue and the Tunica. The first place length gains show up is in flaccid, bone-pressed state and it can be frustrating to men who want to see these gains in erect state. This does not need to be a massive workout, as a matter of fact three, 10 minute sessions a week will be plenty to get the job done.

Using Kegels and Reverse Kegels to Aid in Elongation

What is a Kegel?
A kegel is the name of a pelvic floor exercise, named after Dr. Kegel who discovered the exercise. These muscles are attached to the pelvic bone and act like a hammock, holding in your pelvic organs. To try and isolate these muscles trying stopping and starting the flow of urine.

How do I do the Kegel exercise?
Once you have located the muscles simply tighten and relax the mascle over and over. These are basic kegels. There are many variations on kegels: elevator kegels (Where you tighten slowly, in increments going in and out, like an elevator stopping on several floors.), you can hold the muscle tightened for five seconds, you can bulge the muscles out at the end, and many other variations.

Why would I want to do Kegel exercises?
Kegels provides many benefits:

Stronger Erections
Longer Erections due to blood hold capacity
Larger head size
Further enjaculatorty Distance
Sexual enjoyment is enhanced for both partners
It can prevent prolapses of pelvic organs
It can help prevent leaking urine when you sneeze or cough

What is a Reverse Kegel?
A Reverse kegel is the name of a pelvic exercise, made popular by Doublelongdaddy who preached the importance of the exercise. To try and isolate these muscles trying push the flow of urine as hard as you can.

How do I do the Reverse Kegel exercise?
Once you have located this muscle movement you are now ready to make feel the difference between the Kegel and Reverse Kegel. Tighten or Kegel your PC muscle not push out doing a Reverse Kegel. Practice this variation. Become very in tune with the push and squeeze movements. The more comfortable you become with the two exercises the greater success you will have in Penis Enlargement IMO.

Why would I want to do Reverse Kegel exercises?
Reverse Kegel benefits:

The ability to remain erect after an erection
the ability to have male multiple orgasm
More intense orgasm
Stretching Benefits (See Below)

Combining the Kegel and Reverse Kegel to work for you in a stretching program

The DLD BLASTER is based on the Kegel and Reverse Kegel for one main reason, there is a natural habit to squeeze the PC muscle when the penis is being stretched. This is a subconscious safety reaction to prevent injury to the penis when it is being pulled on. Ligament stretching becomes difficult if the PC muscles takes up the majority of the stretch, most of the stretch intensity is going to the PC muscle and not the ligaments. This means slower length gains. But how can we avoid the PC muscles from interfering with the stretch? The PC muscles that are squeezing (Kegels) need to be stopped. It makes sense that a total reversal of this movement, or a way to avoid this muscular movement and allow the ligaments to take up most of the stretch is to do the opposite of a Kegel which was dubbed a Reverse Kegel. A Reverse Kegel is a muscular movement that stops the PC muscle from taking up the stretch and deliver it to the ligaments and shaft of the penis. So DLD Blasters incorporate the Kegel and Reverse Kegel to allow for the best possible ligament and shaft stretching.

DLD Blaster Exercise Explained
Step One:
Pull penis up towards the chest. Creating very good tension.

Step Two:
Do 100 Kegel squeezes while holding this stretch. This will completely exhaust the PC muscles and isolate and make you aware of the muscular flex.

Step Three:
Grab penis in and get yourself into the DLD A-Stretch.

Step Four:
Once in the A-Stretch Do 50 sets of the following:
Breathing in do a Kegel for 5 seconds then push into the Reverse Kegel which will release the PC muscle. While exhaling, increase the tension with as much strength as possible for 5 seconds. You will feel an immediate increase in length on the push. This is where you will be hitting the ligaments 100%

It is also important to understand that the DLD Blaster philosophy can be applied to any stretching exercise or tool.

Ligamental Stretching

This is significant as men have different ligament lengths and the angle of exercise becomes important considering this. Men with shorter ligaments tend to have a higher erection angle while men with longer ligaments tend to have a lower erection. To keep this as easy to understand as possible, using a basic general rule, It is best to stretch in all positions, as in basic stretching, just in case additional gains are possible from any given position. Some men with extremely long ligaments tend to complain that they can no longer make ligament gains, this is not true. If the ligaments are long and the user want to make additional ligament gains he can stretch Behind the Cheeks, this will bring ligament gains to even the longest ligaments. Men who have shorter ligaments will gain ligament length from any position below their erection angle.

It is also important to know that any stretch below your erection angle with go to ligaments elongation while stretches above your erection angle tend to be Tunica gains. We now have a great understanding to the importance of Tunica stretching (see Tunica Stretching above.) Many men will complain that they do not feel a great stretch when stretching in an upward angle and the solution to this is to bring greater intensity. This is possible with The LengthMaster which will give you two hand stretching for double the intensity.

Skin Stretching

Just like the Tunica can be restrictive to growth so can the skin. The biggest difference here is the skin is much easier to stretch than the Tunica. Usually, within the first month of penis enlargement, the skin will stretch allowing for good initial gains. As you progress you may find some stretches feel like the skin is just too tight to get a good stretch. This is where skin stretching becomes important. This can be done in a few ways but my favorite is the SRT Size Blasters, this exercise trains length and girth while at the same time stretching the skin. You can also simple stretch the skin using your fingers. When flaccid simply grab the skin on both sides of the penis and stretch in opposite directions. Long periods of Phallosan or SizeGenetics use will also help with skin stretch for enlargement. Some men may not need to do this at all but others may. Skin stretching is particularly handy for men who have had a tight circumcision, stretching the skin will alleviate this restrictive tightness.

Understanding Girth Work
How and Why Size is Gained

Girth gains rely heavily on two main factors, Tunica Stretching and Temporary Expansion. The facts behind this are that the Tunica needs to be pre-stretched before superior expansion is achieved. Once the Tunica is pre-stretched the penis is able to expand much more. Consistent expansion is necessary in bringing permanent girth gains. There are many ways to achieve expansion and we will explore these methods. Through many years of experience some important practices are being used. Combinational exercise, or super-sets have become a very important practice in achieving ultimate expansion. This is a girth routine that would use two or more exercises (or tools) in succession to achieve greater expansion. Most popular in this realm is the 5x5x3 sets found in the SRT routine but I have also listed others below. The Tunica should also be addressed before a girth session is started to pre-stretch this dense tissue allowing for greater expansion. Girth exercise is usually classified as newbie exercises and advanced exercises. In most cases the basic jelq will be the first exercise used until you advance to a point that expansion is no longer possible with the jelq and a new more intense exercise is required. At this point you will need to choose from a long line of exercises or, to keep things simple, use the SRT Routine which has all of this knowledge instituted already.

Basic Jelqing
Jelqing is the oldest and most used girth exercise. It is usually used mainly by newbies who are just starting to learn PE. It is a good foundation exercise that will bring quick initial gains and teach the user about the basics of expansion and intensity. The main premise of the basic jelq is that with each stroke (milking) your are bringing more and more blood into the penile tissue expanding it. As time goes by the penis will become thicker. Once you have reached a point that jelqing is no longer bringing gains it becomes important to switch to a more intense exercise. Here is a brief description of the basic jelq:

Before you start jelqing, lubricate your penis with baby oil, vaseline, or another penis lubricant.

Erection Level
Bring your penis erection level to 80—100 percent.

Use your thumb and forefinger to form an make an OK-grip

Starting at the Extreme Base
Place the grip around the base of your penis.

With intense pressure in grip, slowly move it up your penis. Stop the grip right before it reaches your head. Each jelq should take approximately 1 to 3 seconds.

Once you’re done with one jelq, take your other hand and repeat the jelqing process.

Advanced Manual Girth Exercises
Exploring more intense girth work can take time as there are many exercises that fit this bill. The reason we need more intense exercises is to continue growth once any given exercise stops bringing gains. The penis becomes used to most exercises and eventually new, more powerful exercises are introduced. My favorite is the SlowSquashJelq for good reason. In most jelqing exercise there is an open end that prevents the penis from holding all the blood in the shaft. The SlowSquashJelq does not have this issue since the blood is kept in the penis using a grip at the top and bottom of the penis. Like many girth exercises, there is no limit to size gained using the SlowSquashJelq due to the way the blood is trapped and manipulated. As you become thicker the same expansion will be possible using the SSJ. Myself along with many Brothers here have created many girth exercises here are a few to check out:

DLD Girth Busters
Extreme Girth Super Sets
DLD Expansion Super Sets
PAN Squeezes
Horse Squeezes
DLD Angle Jelqs
DLD Bends for Incredible Girth and Width
SUPRA Slammers
REDS (Behind The Balls) Jelqing
Stillwantmore's Head & Shaft Expansion Exercise
Stillwantmore's Short Jelq
German Stallion Erect Twists
DLD Toilet Compression Squeezes
DLD Crazy Girth Busters
Pan Squeezes
DLD Blaster Jelq
Horse Squeezes
DLD's Fast Squash Jelq
Edging for Enlargement

Edging for Size and Longevity
Edging is an exercise aimed at enlargement through manipulation while teaching yourself how to last longer in bed. Edging will also aid in stretching the Tunica since a prolonged erections cause this. Bringing your self along the grey area of the point of no return or (PONR), where you are almost about to have an orgasm but you stop this using various methods available (see below). Manipulation during edging is important to aid in enlargement and stimulation and orgasm avoidance. Longer edging periods will add to the ability to last longer when you are in a sexual stimulation. Manipulation could be SlowSquashJelqs, SizeBlasters, Squeezes and other girth exercise all mixed in through the period of edging.

When edging you will come close to the PONR, which will happen many times over a session, use one of these techniques below to aid in stopping the orgasm:

Becoming in touch with your orgasm
There is a very fine line between cuming and about to cum. making this distinction is the first step in having more staying power.

Identify your brink of orgasm
You will want to identify the fine line that separates cuming from about to cum. During this period pay special attention to what brings you almost to orgasm. What are your thoughts? How long does it take to get there? Keep Track of this information for future reference. The goal here is to paint a mental picture of your orgasm and identify just what brings you to this brink and what you can do to stop it.

Breathing to Reduce Excitement
Simply taking a deep breath at the brink of orgasm is a very effective way to reduce your excitement level and reset your orgasm. It does not work for everyone but it is worth trying.

Breathing to Reset Orgasm
When you feel that you are getting too close to orgasm, just completely stop and take a deep breath. Give yourself a minute or two to reset your mental orgasm. Once you feel that you have reset this mental orgasm continue with the confidence that the physical orgasm is far off. You will find with practice this process will give you longer and longer periods of staying power. Eventually this mental reset will happen automatically with no pause.

The Squeeze Techniques
When you feel close to your orgasm completely stop, pull out, take a deep breath and apply one of these two squeezing methods. One method usually works better for men than the other so try them both.


at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the OK grip squeeze the base of your penis and squeeze until the urge has faded.


at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the forefinger and thumb squeeze the top and bottom of your penis just below the glans until the urge to orgasm has faded.

DLD Push
The DLD Push is a technique to prolong orgasm and remain erect after orgasm. This method involved a hard reverse kegel right at the brink of orgasm. It takes some practice but once it is mastered 4-5 orgasms are possible.

Reverse Psychology
A great technique that seems to work very well for me is the Reverse Psychology method. Previously to having sex I convince myself that I am going to have problems ejaculation.

How and why we use Tools in Penis Enlargement
If you search the internet you will find 100’s of penis enlargement tools but it is extremely important to understand that most of these methods either do not work or they are a cheap knockoff of the few tools that do work. The Brotherhood has worked very hard to have the best tools with the best price and customer service available. Buying tools through Matters of Size gives you many benefits and support options. We stand behind all products and we have most of our affiliates here, in the forum, as active members for support. In addition each tool is given it’s own forum where all the various information is organized and easy to find. We will take each tool one by one and explain what they are for and the best way to use them.

The LengthMaster
The LengthMaster is a 3 in one tool that allows for some pretty amazing length exercises. It is possible to use your LengthMaster for most stretching exercises. The functions of the LengthMaster include The PowerAssist which allows for fulcrum stretching, The LengthMaster which allows for 2 handed rolls, bundles and every other stretching position. It also included a hanging chamber that allows for light to heavy hanging. The LengthMaster is so effective because of the enormous amount of intensity that can be used to stretch with. Every stretch that was done manually can be done with twice the intensity. It also eliminates grip slipping because once you are locked in the chamber of the device you will experience extremely powerful stretching with absolutely no slippage. The LengthMaster can be used to do Expensive Stretching, Bundled Stretching, Shaft and Ligament Stretching, Fulcrum Stretching and all Basic Stretching positions. Since all areas of importance can be achieved with the LengthMaster it becomes the replacement for all other manual stretching.

Size Genetics
The SizeGenetics is a traction device that uses measured rods and spring loaded tension to stretch the penis over long periods of time. Active PE, which we know to be gaining exercise, can be accomplished using the SizeGenetics in it’s most intense settings. Passive PE, which we know as the healing process, can also be accomplished through using lighter settings. The device can be worn under the clothes so many hours can be logged through the day. There are many ways to attach the SizeGenetics as they give 58 different methods of attachment in their special edition Matters of Size system. Many modifications have been made to use the SizeGenetics in many useful ways, most notably the PhalloGenetics which combines the SizeGenetics with the Phallosan to accomplish greater intensity and more comfort in use. The SizeGenetics is a medical device and the quality surpasses any other extender on the market.

The Phallosan Forte
The Phallosan Forte device is a Penis Enlargement Stretching Tool “patented orthopedic belt system“, where users who wear it will stretch the penis over long periods of time using a vacuum process (as a suction) for maximum gains over extended periods of time. As you gain length by stretching, the penis tissue elongation results in growth bringing a straighter and longer penis.
This Phallosan Forte penis enlargement system comes with 3 different sizes (Small, Medium, Large) and adjustment setting for increasing pressure. The sleeve-condom is made of medical grade silicone and it forces more blood flow to erectile chambers all the way to penis glans (head). Similar to traction devices, the Phallosan is worn over long periods of time to achieve active length gains while also healing in an elongated state.

The Phallosan has become the only tool available that can be used safely while you sleep allowing for work while you sleep. Since the Phallosan has come to the Brotherhood we have made many modifications for different stretching styles. The most notable modification is the combination of the SizeGenetics with The Phallosan, dubbed the PhalloGenetics which brings advantages from both devices and combines them for ultimate stretch and comfort. The Phallosan can be used for passive and active PE by setting tension levels to what is desired.

The BathMate
The BathMate is a unique pumping system that uses water instead of air. Pumping has been around for decades but many issues that happen with an air pump are not present in water pumping. Air pumping can cause terrible blisters, discoloration and excessive water retention. The BathMate has none of these issues especially when used in the SRT Routine. The BathMate works by using vacuum and water to force expansion of penis tissue. All users notice an increase in size after one use. Men report anywhere from 1/4 inch up to 2.5 inches of expansion after a workout. When this is done consistently day by day the expansion start to become permanent. Over time great girth gains can be accomplished using the BathMate. The BathMate is also used in length work using Expressive Stretching. Using the BathMate in a super-set scenario will bring the greatest gains in girth. Please refer to the SRT Thread and read over the 5x5x3 routine. The BathMate is an irreplaceable tool that will bring girth gains so much faster than manual efforts.

The VLC is a penis stretching device that is great for keeping yourself extended after training length. It is marketed as a penis stretching device but we found a much more useful reason for using it. It can be used as the main attachment for the SizeGenetics. Using the VLC allows for super times in putting on and taking off. This can be done in seconds compared to other attachments that can take minutes. For instance, if you need to go to the bathroom you can pop the VLC off in 2 seconds to go to the bathroom, after it can be reattached in under 20 seconds. It is extremely comfortable and with it’s multi-use as a stretching device and an attachment for the SizeGenetics it is worth the small investment.

The Ace Wrap (passive pe)
Ace Wrap is an extremely effective way to passively train your penis to become longer in flaccid state. It also works in healing the penis after active length exercises are done. After training length there will always be slight temporary gains and it is important to retain these as long as possible and this is where the ACE Wrap does wonders. It gently and comfortably holds the penis in a elongated state for as long as you have it wrapped. This is a very important part of the SRT routine. The Ace Wrap can be replaced by the Phallosan or SizeGenetics to accomplish the same effect when they are used in a light to medium intensity.

The Cock Ring (passive pe)
This is a very important part of retaining maximum girth size while your penis is healing from your girth routine. It is a very simple concept in SRT that we spend time in active and passive penis enlargement. Passive PE is what we call the healing state. The best way to retain and build girth faster is by keeping the pumped state for as long as possible. So the cock ring is used directly after girth routine to hold expansion for as long as possible.

All of the tools above are very valuable in the penis enlargement process. They allow for gains in many ways not possible through manual efforts. They also play a major role in the SRT Routine. SRT also offers a manual version of the workout for those who do not have tools.

I hope this guide has helped you with understanding pe exercises and how they effect the body. I also hope it closes the gap between fast gainers and slow gainers.

I have been doing LM stretchings for the last two months or so but i have started in a different way i start BTC first,from there i go straight down,then straigh out,n i finish whit the straight up strtechngs...

Whats the difference....hope you understand my question:)LMAO
very very much needed and good overview over the different aspects of PE and the different exercises.

and this is making thins simpler to get an overview on.

basicly this is becoming a PE enclypedia.

very good job mate
Awesome post !

DLD won the August post contest lol.

If you compare SG, Penimaster and Phallosan, I guess the two last are compatible with bundle hard/soft stretches.

I found bundle stretch were not easy or too advanced for me in the past, and that did not prevent me from gaining, but now things changed so I'll give another try this week.

edit : I tried bundle stretch for a short session just right now... awesome. I did not expect to be able to twist so much without pain. I will definitly include twisting/bundlers in each step of my routine.
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Amazing article DLD ! I've been struggling with gains for some time,and i kinda dropped PE for 3 months.Now it's time to get back in the game,can't wait to try this Bundle Stretches idea .
ChilDsh;659650 said:
Amazing article DLD ! I've been struggling with gains for some time,and i kinda dropped PE for 3 months.Now it's time to get back in the game,can't wait to try this Bundle Stretches idea .

yep you should try them.i have been doing LM bundled stretches n they seem to be promising..would like to get to my desired siz whit the bundled LM stretchings..:)
Thank Brothers! I will now add this to the SRT main routine and make exercise adjustments to embody this study.
Starting in a different order what difference does it make? first BTC,then straight out..etc:p
I'm going to try bundling stretches. If my dick turns green and falls off I'm going to be very upset DLD
I changed a bit my personal routine after reading this article.

Here is my newly tuned routine

5 mins : Warmup
1 min : A few BTB (behind the balls) stretches for more penis area to grisp (it gives a flaccid boost)
5 mins 100 Kegels with manual pulling (stretch) to exhaust PC as DLD recommends. My PC is conditionned, I can
5 mins : alternate mode : 50 KG with pulling - 50 revKG with pulling stronger (manual stretch)
5 min : bundled manual stretches / BTB stretches
1 hour : Penimaster stretch
5 mins : manual jelqs at strong erect
5 mins : air pump to increase expansion / erection state
15 mins : manual jelqs
5 min : air pumping
1 to 5 hours : phallosan

I'll keep stats in my journal. This will be an important evolution in my routine. The limiting factors are time and privacy.

ps : I'll just have to use the Phallogenetics combo and you may consider me as an advanced user here lol. Just Lengthmaster will be missing.
Doundar;659774 said:
I changed a bit my personal routine after reading this article.

Here is my newly tuned routine

5 mins : Warmup
1 min : A few BTB (behind the balls) stretches for more penis area to grisp (it gives a flaccid boost)
5 mins 100 Kegels with manual pulling (stretch) to exhaust PC as DLD recommends. My PC is conditionned, I can
5 mins : alternate mode : 50 KG with pulling - 50 revKG with pulling stronger (manual stretch)
5 min : bundled manual stretches / BTB stretches
1 hour : Penimaster stretch
5 mins : manual jelqs at strong erect
5 mins : air pump to increase expansion / erection state
15 mins : manual jelqs
5 min : air pumping
1 to 5 hours : phallosan

I'll keep stats in my journal. This will be an important evolution in my routine. The limiting factors are time and privacy.

ps : I'll just have to use the Phallogenetics combo and you may consider me as an advanced user here lol. Just Lengthmaster will be missing.

Your routine is pretty strange and you combine length with girth in a not good way...for exemple you go into the phallosan after you've done girth work ? Your penis will be expanded and bulky , you're not going to get a good stretch.Sure it's suggested to do length work after girth once in a while but not everytime.I suggest you to split your routine into 2 separated sessions , 1 for girth and 1 for length , keep them hours a part , or if you can't do that and you prefer doing only 1 session a day , start with length and then jump into girth work.Also add some all direction stretches , pretty powerful exercise.
ChilDsh;659650 said:
Amazing article DLD ! I've been struggling with gains for some time,and i kinda dropped PE for 3 months.Now it's time to get back in the game,can't wait to try this Bundle Stretches idea .

You mean you have not been doing PE all this while? Did you loose your gains within the 3 months break?
huge-girth;659777 said:
You mean you have not been doing PE all this while? Did you loose your gains within the 3 months break?

No , still 7x6.
haha i think he is having a quite strange routine like a mad scientist,would be way too good to know if he shares his experiences n his gains........
^ I think he knows what he's doing, sometimes a good girthing will put you in the awesome 'jelly state' which is perfect for some yanks.
This is awesome. Great job DLD, this is going to help an enormous amount of guys. This has been the missing piece of information that has been needed for a long time that people can point to when questions are asked.
Your routine is pretty strange and you combine length with girth in a not good way...for exemple you go into the phallosan after you've done girth work ? Your penis will be expanded and bulky , you're not going to get a good stretch.Sure it's suggested to do length work after girth once in a while but not everytime.I suggest you to split your routine into 2 separated sessions , 1 for girth and 1 for length , keep them hours a part , or if you can't do that and you prefer doing only 1 session a day , start with length and then jump into girth work.Also add some all direction stretches , pretty powerful exercise.

Hi. I always end the sessions with girth work (air pump or Bathmate). If I feel I need to prevent water swelling, I jelq and massage a little bit.
The Phallosan is for the rest of the day, so I start to wear it about half an hour after the PE session ends.
For the moment I don't think passive stretching will prevent girth from growing, as I get regular gains with visible expansion, I'd say at week level. I use my fingers to measure BPEL at every session and see the differences by using the wrinkle on the skin or the phalanx as a reference.

The idea of splitting sessions and alternate girth/length makes sense as I'd like to try clamping. For the moment, my main goal is length.

BTW, all-directions stretches are included in my warmup, and also I tend to do some stretches every time I go to toilets or have some privacy.
Doundar;659923 said:
Hi. I always end the sessions with girth work (air pump or Bathmate). If I feel I need to prevent water swelling, I jelq and massage a little bit.
The Phallosan is for the rest of the day, so I start to wear it about half an hour after the PE session ends.
For the moment I don't think passive stretching will prevent girth from growing, as I get regular gains with visible expansion, I'd say at week level. I use my fingers to measure BPEL at every session and see the differences by using the wrinkle on the skin or the phalanx as a reference.

The idea of splitting sessions and alternate girth/length makes sense as I'd like to try clamping. For the moment, my main goal is length.

BTW, all-directions stretches are included in my warmup, and also I tend to do some stretches every time I go to toilets or have some privacy.

Also be sure to get in some Bundled stretching before both length and girth routines. 5-10 minutes is perfect. This will pre-stretch your Tunica and allow for greater expansion and elongation.
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