The trick to overcoming PE is a combination of things which added together bring control


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2009
So everyone is looking for the right exercise, or breathing tech, or cream, or pill... But what i've found is that a combination of jerking off before sex (that morning), using kegels and rv kegels properly, and using PYT pau yuen tong?? work well for control.... for example, slightly kegeling as you enter, will stopp thos immediate flutter kegel which can make you shoot right to PONR. Basically holding a slight kegel while having sex, and a hard reverse kegel upon ponr... work well with the added benefit of pyt.
Hi DLD I remember you writing about a technique of yours where you have to do hard reverse kegel while you’re cumming in order to not lose erection and to have multple orgasms... but I’ve noticed that If I instead kegel hard I can retain more fluid making it easy to regain an erection... what’s your thoughts on that? What do you think it’s best? Thank you ?
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Pre-Mature Ejaculation
Pre-Mature Ejaculation is something many men suffer with. I have found many different ideas in helping with this that I have included below. I do want to say that this problem will fade from simply doing my program. When most men, myself included, got familiar with manual penis enlargement exercise the problem just seems to fade. The reason this problem does go away is the constant stimulation of the exercises. This constant stimulus trains the penis to last longer and longer. In the mean time here are some great techniques. Some are my own techniques, others I found around the web.

Becoming in touch with your orgasm
There is a very fine line between cuming and about to cum. making this distinction is the first step in having more staying power.

Identify your brink of orgasm

You will want to identify the fine line that separates cuming from about to cum. During this period pay special attention to what brings you almost to orgasm. What are your thoughts? How long does it take to get there? Keep Track of this information for future reference. The goal here is to paint a mental picture of your orgasm and identify just what brings you to this brink and what you can do to stop it.

Breathing to Reduce Excitement

Simply taking a deep breath at the brink of orgasm is a very effective way to reduce your excitement level and reset your orgasm. It does not work for everyone but it is worth trying.

Breathing to Reset Orgasm
When you feel that you are getting too close to orgasm, just completely stop and take a deep breath. Give yourself a minute or two to reset your mental orgasm. Once you feel that you have reset this mental orgasm continue with the confidence that the physical orgasm is far off. You will find with practice this process will give you longer and longer periods of staying power. Eventually this mental reset will happen automatically with no pause.

The Squeeze Techniques

When you feel close to your orgasm completely stop, pull out, take a deep breath and apply one of these two squeezing methods. One method usually works better for men than the other so try them both.

BASE SQUEEZE: at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the OK grip squeeze the base of your penis and squeeze until the urge has faded.

UP SQUEEZE: at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the forefinger and thumb squeeze the top and bottom of your penis just below the glans until the urge to orgasm has faded.

DLD Push

The DLD Push is a technique to prolong orgasm and remain erect after orgasm. This method involved a hard reverse kegel right at the brink of orgasm. It takes some practice but once it is mastered 4-5 orgasms are possible.

Reverse Psychology
A great technique that seems to work very well for me is the Reverse Psychology method. Previously to having sex I convince myself that I am going to have problems ejaculation.
THIS COMES FROM THE MEMBERS PAYSITE. I have open the doors for free to the public. Simply go to the address and you’ll have full access to the member site at no cost. Here is the link

Pre-Mature Ejaculation
Pre-Mature Ejaculation is something many men suffer with. I have found many different ideas in helping with this that I have included below. I do want to say that this problem will fade from simply doing my program. When most men, myself included, got familiar with manual penis enlargement exercise the problem just seems to fade. The reason this problem does go away is the constant stimulation of the exercises. This constant stimulus trains the penis to last longer and longer. In the mean time here are some great techniques. Some are my own techniques, others I found around the web.

Becoming in touch with your orgasm
There is a very fine line between cuming and about to cum. making this distinction is the first step in having more staying power.

Identify your brink of orgasm
You will want to identify the fine line that separates cuming from about to cum. During this period pay special attention to what brings you almost to orgasm. What are your thoughts? How long does it take to get there? Keep Track of this information for future reference. The goal here is to paint a mental picture of your orgasm and identify just what brings you to this brink and what you can do to stop it.

Breathing to Reduce Excitement
Simply taking a deep breath at the brink of orgasm is a very effective way to reduce your excitement level and reset your orgasm. It does not work for everyone but it is worth trying.

Breathing to Reset Orgasm
When you feel that you are getting too close to orgasm, just completely stop and take a deep breath. Give yourself a minute or two to reset your mental orgasm. Once you feel that you have reset this mental orgasm continue with the confidence that the physical orgasm is far off. You will find with practice this process will give you longer and longer periods of staying power. Eventually this mental reset will happen automatically with no pause.

The Squeeze Techniques
When you feel close to your orgasm completely stop, pull out, take a deep breath and apply one of these two squeezing methods. One method usually works better for men than the other so try them both.

BASE SQUEEZE: at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the OK grip squeeze the base of your penis and squeeze until the urge has faded.

UP SQUEEZE: at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the forefinger and thumb squeeze the top and bottom of your penis just below the glans until the urge to orgasm has faded.

DLD Push
The DLD Push is a technique to prolong orgasm and remain erect after orgasm. This method involved a hard reverse kegel right at the brink of orgasm. It takes some practice but once it is mastered 4-5 orgasms are possible.

Reverse Psychology
A great technique that seems to work very well for me is the Reverse Psychology method. Previously to having sex I convince myself that I am going to have problems ejaculation.
In the Male Multiple Orgasm guide you talk about squeezing PC to not ejaculate but the DLD Push is exactly the opposite... what should we do? Thank you
Thanks for all the action on this! I should be pulling out old treasures every single day! There’s so much that has been created that no one has even seen or used, things get buried very quickly
Thanks so much, DLD, great information! Agreed, it does fade as PE becomes more regularly practiced. So many sensations going on in the penis inside a vagina. Don't forget to breathe, deep in and slow out, relax. I look outside the window and see blue sky. Bright, calming, white clouds peacefully floating around. Maintain a steady sexual rhythm also with PC exercises. Allow the steady easy flow of so many good feelings to ride with you. In simple laymen terms, learn to control your thoughts to include more than just what's going on in your penis, without thinking about anything- quieting the mind.
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Thanks so much, DLD, great information! Agreed, it does fade as PE becomes more regularly practiced. So many sensations going on in the penis inside a vagina. Don't forget to breathe, deep in and slow out, relax. I look outside the window and see blue sky. Bright, calming, white clouds peacefully floating around. Maintain a steady sexual rhythm also with PC exercises. Allow the steady easy flow of so many good feelings to ride with you. In simple laymen terms, learn to control your thoughts to include more than just what's going on in your penis, without thinking about anything- quieting the mind.

Do all things in the spiritual realms!
Interestingly, the Mastery of Penis book (chapter 11) talks about how relaxed testicles cannot ejaculate. So one of the way it suggests to prevent ejaculation is to make a clamp with your thumb and finger and gently tugging your balls down. Another way is to consciously control your PC muscles to lower the balls (I guess that's reverse kegel). Has anyone tried this method and was it successful?
The act of squeezing (I’m not fully educated on all of these terms yet… but, I do have a lot of experience in the bedroom) your PC when about to ejaculate and pausing completely (Ex. stop stroking, tell your partner to “hold still”, or, just completely pull out if you have to) is a great way to try to prevent ejaculation… Because, even if you’re fairly advanced with your PC muscle contractions, when you’re really close to having an orgasm, any type of arousal/contact can push you over the edge… even something as simple as feeling your woman/man breathe, or, her/him squeezing on your dick…

However, if you can’t and find yourself beyond the point of no return, just continue using this muscle afterwards (after you are completely finished with your orgasm)…

*Just incase I’m not using the right term… When I say “squeeze your PC muscle” I’m talking about when you squeeze and act as if you’re trying to lift your penis up*

But, anyways… after you finish, if you continue to squeeze that muscle and hold your penis up, even if you start to go semi-erect, I usually find it extremely easy to regain an erection as I’m stroking inside of my woman…

You can even practice by just masturbating until you get the hang of it… after you orgasm…continue using your muscle to squeeze and lift your penis up and just keep stroking. If your muscle gets tired, just pause and relax for 3 seconds and start squeezing again. After you have done this one time, you will immediately gain a load of confidence. No pun intended.

And then, if you do it once, you can do it twice…
If you do it twice, you can do it thrice.

And next thing you know, your woman/man will be asking you to hurry up and finish. Lmao

You will be swelling poo-c’s shut, in no time!
Interestingly, the Mastery of Penis book (chapter 11) talks about how relaxed testicles cannot ejaculate. So one of the way it suggests to prevent ejaculation is to make a clamp with your thumb and finger and gently tugging your balls down. Another way is to consciously control your PC muscles to lower the balls (I guess that's reverse kegel). Has anyone tried this method and was it successful?
Yes, and yes, it works.
This method provides me with greater stamina to control edging, and the conditioning is very good to experience multiple orgasms.
Takes patience, practice, and easing into it, as the sensation from tugging feels very good, at the same time, you're holding orgasm back.
This will also produce body orgasms, waves of it that rush through your body.
stop 2-4 strokes before the point of no return, do a light kegel then relax and let the penis settle for a few seconds until the over stimulation fades. Also breath deeply and calmly with your belly, it helps to delay climax
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stop 2-4 strokes before the point of no return, do a light kegel then relax and let the penis settle for a few seconds until the over stimulation fades. Also breath deeply and calmly with your belly, it helps to delay climax
Good advice
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