
Think about it...what's the hardest part of a girth workout? Especially after your penis gets used to the stimulation a few months down the road? Most likely it is maintaining enough of an erection to get an effective jelq/squeeze/girth blaster workout. So, if you are able to keep that erection level more easily...that should make your workouts more effective/efficient right? When I was working girth, I seemed to spend half my workouts trying to stay erect enough! I know I have seen DLD mention in the past that he has used Viagra for his girth workouts. The thing that keeps most of us from doing so though is most likely the COST of Viagra right? I mean at like $200 (ok I'm exagerating some) a pill it's very cost prohibitive. Until now ;) I posted a link in the supplements forum to a site that offers very cheap Generic Viagra. They also offer a 4 pill/100 mg sample for only the cost of shipping....$8.00. I know I'll be using this resource when I'm ready to attack girth again!

Cheap Viagra
shhhhh...don't tell everyone;)
If taking Viagra every day causes more nightime erections, then it's good for Penis Enlargement. I don't know if it does. You can take 25mg(1/4 pill) or even less and still feel the Viagra effects. Taking 400 mg of Tagamet(or generic equivalent Cimetadine) signifigantly boosts the effect and $14 can get you a lot of it.

This is the one I bought at CVS. I take two tablets a few minutes before taking 1/3 of a Viagra tab.

Hmm, I wonder why the Tagamet has that enhancing effect?
I've got a free sample on the way to me. The 4 100mg pills...I chose the Silegra brand generic. I plan on getting a pill cutter and taking one and splitting it four times. Trying first 25mg, then 50mg. Guess I'll try stacking it with the Tagemet too since MDC says it seems to improve the effects.
I've found that colon cleansers are great for girth and length, as well as other things :confused: But seriously taking these pills does give me a great flaccid hang as well as a fat erection. My take on is this is that the cleanser takes out a lot of the crap that clogs or reduces blood flow. It's a lot cheaper with none of the side effects.

MDC, Nice tip. How much of a boost do you feel? Is it more intense or just longer?

BTW: I take VIARGA almost daily with no ill side effects.
I have used Viagra like alot of you, and love it!! There was a thread on the "other" forum started by a pharmacist. He suggested using Tagamet along with Viagra. I don't remember all of the medical reasons, but he is on the money!!! I have tried it both ways, and it boosts 50mg into 100mg!!!! and it makes it stay in your system longer!!! All I have to do is lick the pill and take a Tagamet and that is enough!!! I bought store brand Tagamet(equate) and saved about $16, and it works just as well.So if you want another way to stretch that little blue pill, this is the answer!!!Whether you use it for sex or pe,DON'T TAKE VIAGRA WITHOUT TAGAMET!!!!!
So, I'm still wondering why the Tagamet+Viagra has this improved effect?
Click Below

Tagamet+Viagra Works Better!!

Cant wait to get mine to try it. Even though I'm not working girth right now, I'm still anxious to give this a try. That way, when I AM ready to get some more girth, I'll know exactly what I'll be doing to get it! You guys working girth...you really are double dumb if you dont jump on this opportunity to get much more effective workouts. $$ is no longer a valid reason. The stuff is so damn cheap now...hell, the free sample you can get for $8 shipping...with a pill splitter can last you a month! I have perfectly healthy erections, but I used to spend half my girth sessions arousing myself to keep the right erection level. Why not make it easier on yourself??
Baby turn around, let me see that sexy post go bump,bump,bump!
I can vouch for the effectiveness of the Silegra. I've order a couple of times from genegra.com with no problem, however last time I ordered 32 pills for $64. I received it in 2 shipments, the first 16 came in about a week and the rest took about 2 weeks. But, they don't mention it on their site, I emailed them because I thought I'd been shorted..... the reply said they do it to slip through customs easier, so you might want to limit orders to 16 at a time.

Since they're so cheap, I've always used 50mg as the 100mg are already scored to break in two easily - much better then "real" viagra. What's another $.50 anyway? ;)
The post at �other forum� is what inspired me to try Tagamet with Viagra. My experience is that Tagamet and Viagra makes 25mg seem like twice as much.

Last night I took it(400mg Tagamet and 25mg Viagra). It worked great despite me being exhausted from my Sunday activities. :)
Ranititade is available otc and I am told [by a pharmascist] that it works in the same way as Cemetidine.It's market name is Zantac but the Ranititade is considerably cheaper.I use Vega, bought at a very reasonable price from India, in 33mg doses cut from a100mg tablet.I am going to try 25mg + Ranititade when I make a purchase.........regards dixie.
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