Power Assist Uses Other Than PE


Jun 3, 2003
Power Assist Uses Other Than Penis Enlargement

Ideal Mirror for the narcissistic man who hates himself:D

A New design on the twin neck V?
In the outback, I tie a rope around it and spin it around. Makes a nice wombat call.

One time I tied a kite string to my power assist, and a key at the end of the line. Well, you know where this is going.

Makes a superb bondage spanking utility.

I once killed a man with a power assist.
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Its one of them things you buy from Africa and hang on your wall to scare away bad sprites. :s
Bow and arrow.

Replace the rope with elastic and put your arrows through the hole.

Deep sea fishing rod holder? Ping pong paddle?
I think it looks like some kind of alien object its all most like i have seen it somewhere before like on mars or somewhere like a third eye or something i cant figure out where i have seen this.

I think it was maybe them pictures dld did for the PA 2.
How about a stockade for kittens:

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