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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
This sigil is a very powerful one I created myself, just for Growing a larger penis. Its really good, the colours are all in balance with the outer sigils in the 6 sided pentagram which in itself is poweful luck. The outer sigils are that of the planets and further empower this.

Just medicate on the whole sigil when you want to and in your minds eye see your penis growing, see it larger than it ever has been before. Light a candle, get the scents burning while you do it .. make this intimate and intense.

While you meditate upon the sigil, concentrate and clear all your thoughts apart from that of penis enlargement ... see the penis growing and begin to chant the mantric text around it SRINOLA WEMPYG...SRINOLA WEMPYG...SRINOLA WEMPYG this is a very powerful chant, magical for what this sigil represents and will help bring to you via the universal laws of attraction for it all to manifest upon you, which it will.

To end the meditation I highly recommend, albeit its not a must, to masturbate to orgasm while focusing on the sigil and as you orgasm visualize in your minds eye and think about your penis in a larger state. The orgasm clears the mind if you like, it trips a switch off to the subconscious and embeds the powerful energies I have placed into this art inside your mind to bring about the changes you want.

Use this as part of your routine, after all penis enlargement is 80% Psychological in the long run after newbie gains. This is the only Penis Enlargement sigil (logo) I have come across that is aimed at men like us, so take full advantage of it. Nothing malice is planted inside such as dark forces etc. Its all natural.

Let me know how you find it please.

big sigil3.png

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Oct 23, 2010
Well we'll see in a few months if this gets you up to 9" mate. Looks interesting though, I do agree the mind has a big part in Penis Enlargement, definitely!

going all out

Oct 7, 2010
just posted this on my background for my pc so i will always bask in its radiant glow, plus the colors really trip me out

going all out

Oct 7, 2010
hey red is there any way to make a sound bite of this my bad i just can't pronounce the word that well so if its possible to make a sound bite that would really help not only but for anyone else who has the same problem too. b-ez man peace


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
Nice you like it guys. The pronunciation is SWI-NO-LA and WEM-PEYG. Doesn't have to be exact, not like a Solomons chants for example but more to make you attached to it. Also you can simply keep reading it over and over in your head. I suggest not to get too obsessed with this by doing it hours and hours each day. Just simply a few minutes if you like, revert to that 68 seconds of pure thought principle from the LOA and we have a sticky thread on this section regarding that ... apply it to this if you so wish.

Something else I have found that works really well with things like this is once I have meditated over it and chanted, allowed it into my subconscious is to than burn the sigil outside and allow its ashes to blow off in the wind where that takes it. I have known users to apply a drop of blood from a finger prick to a sigil before burning it. Whatever feels best for you, its all about getting it INSIDE YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS ... we need to trip the conscious off and switch the subconscious on and is how orgasm does that but as well staring intently at the sigil like in a trance until everything goes around you and your lost inside it ... than you have allowed it into you.
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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
I'm experiencing crazy thickness after clamp sessions with rock solid erections, more than usual since using this.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
Visualizations (or inner imagery) can help us envision - and therefore create - a desired future.
Positive visualizations send out energetic vibrations that draw to us the things we desire.
Through the practice of positive visualization, synchronicities start to appear in our lives.

Synchronicity is the energetic universe responding to our thoughts, leading us toward our goals.
Synchronicities are more than lucky coincidences.
C.G. Jung coined the phrase synchronicity and wrote a book about the phenomenon.
At the end of his life, Jung was working with physicist and Nobel laureate Wolfgang Pauli to connect psychology to physics.

Outer imagery (art or visual stimuli) can assist us in our visualizations.
Outer imagery can help us consciously and subconsciously "keep in mind" the goals we are striving for.
Outer imagery can act as an affirmation and intention.

^ Taken from the thread 'Connecting the Dots that Link Art to Spirit'


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
I dont think that many believe in this and thats fair enough because it sounds crazy :) but I issue a challenge for you. Print this sigil out and keep it around your area of rest (bedroom) and at some stage meditate on it.

This needn't be too complicated but merely a gazing into its colours and hypnotic structures ... think about having a larger longer thicker better penis and the looks of ecstasy on women's faces as you fuck them senseless with it and fill them with cum! Whatever the thought, think it and GAZE upon the sigil .... keep gazing and at the point you 'loose' a sense of whats around you (Day dreaming where we stare into space and become lost for time) you have implanted the ''magic'' in the seal right inside the subconscious and alongside penis enlargement this will boost your progress ten fold.

What have you to loose? do it with an open mind because the negative thoughts have no place here. Allow it into your, let it soak inside you and imagine it has begun ... the gains have been planted, the larger penis arrived.

Let me say that since having this and using it myself that my penis has become more hard in its erection, better orgasms and my size post workout in application such as the Bathmate larger than before I used this system! Sure, you may say thats coincidence and your dick is growing .... well yes my cock is growing and a coincidence happens because I MADE IT with this! Synchronity is the better word for it.

Try this for 30 days and be amazed at the gains you will unleash.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
I've also now created an audio file from this sigil using the free software AudioPaint which many metaphysical, spiritual, new age types like to combine with meditations or communications so it becomes more intimate and powerful.

Your essentially then listening to what your seeing, the other energetic form of the penis enlargement sigil but in audio. This is very short so if you want to use it I suggest having it on the player on loop. Meditate, use the graphic seal or just play it from time to time ... but by using it you will be unleashing powerful forces out to help you on this voyage and none of us need to fully understand exactly how it works but it does!

If your feeling brave it could be combined or merged into a track of your choice so its playing in the background without you knowing about it.

Download Penis Enlargement.wav


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
I'll quote what I wrote out in the blog
A sigil is used as a focal point. Its a bundle of energy for a certain thing or it can be for a being such as a god. You focus on the sigil and meditate with it. If a mantra is provided it helps to chant that either aloud or silent, again trying to meditate. It soaks into your subconscious mind and programmed it into the way the sigil is working off. The higher planes work primarily off thought and its these thoughts that travel into the sub planes to bring into fruit our desires.

* One of those sub planes is this one we are active in as we see this and type - The one of flesh and bone


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
I'll be re-uploading this in a few days. It is very potent, more potent now then it was a year ago due to it (The sigil and mantra) being given energy (life) by all of you and me towards its intended purpose. Be open minded and use this, it's not hocus pocus BS or new age but true powerful cosmic alignment of your desires to what it is you want in this field and that is for a larger penis.

I'm working on a more potent variation to this that incorporates a more left handed feel to it. Report back on your experiences with it and for those new, once its online again all you should do is print it off and either ''charge'' it as explained to reach a state of gnosis or have it near you, on you (carry it) and trust me that you will grow. I created 3 sigils for DLD over a year ago for success, money matters and health .... currently he is doing fantastic with business and money matters with health better then it ever was.

He trusted in the sigils and allowed them to allign to the forces for his goals. I'm not special for making these nor am I powerful .. its my intention when making them and desire that makes the whole thing unique.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
Your welcome and sure is powerful. I have put together a new audio of the sigil and re-uploaded it as the old one is down. The new one is 14 seconds or so in length and can be used in combo with the sigil or in meditation. I suggest playing it on constant repeat while your meditating in a lonely dark quiet spot. You could also chant the manta out if you desire during this stage.

Please keep this thread going with updates on your progress since using it and anyways to make it better from your own wisdow/s.



Mar 23, 2012
I like to go into a trance before and while doing Penis Enlargement. Using visualizations while I do the exercises, always with good breathing.

I include affirmations about growth and size too. It is vital to use the subconscious mind in all endeavors.

I've seen great gains in the 2.5 months I've been exercising.

Thanks for the audio. I'll include it into my regime.


Jun 28, 2008
I'm bumping this old thread because I recently got into doing evocations, so I know a good deal about sigils and I've been using mantras for over a year. Do you still use this at all? Has it made any more improvements?


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
It did help me connect more on the non physical layer to what was happening with my penis enlargement.

What I'm going to do, as this was popular 8 years ago!!! is create a NEW PE sigil, and mantra during a deep meditation.


Jun 3, 2003
Anything that helps improves your focus and visualization is going to improve your gains. Are use prayer as my man go to, some people use visualization other people will use Montrose, but what matters most is that you keep yourself involved and use the time you can to meditate upon those things you desire.