PC muscles anatomy


Also called: SIM
Staff member
Jan 6, 2023
Just some picures of the PC muscles anatomy.

Musculus pubococcygeus:

Musculus puborectalis:

Musculus coccygeus:

Musculus iliococcygeus:

I thought this was interesting so I wanted to share it. I think these pictures are good.
This is great. Now men can understand what is happening when they workout this group of muscles
This is great. Now men can understand what is happening when they workout this group of muscles
Yeah! To know the anatomy can really help to squeeze and focus on these muscle better, also to relax them in reverse kegel.
I've gained up to 2.5 inches in length and I've never been able to add this to my routine.
It was easier for me to do reverse Kegels, when I did bundled stretches behind the cheeks, or as I call them, LM b.ASS. I could relax deep into the stretch completely. I consider to get back to the downward stretches again now.
The reverse kegel will always allow for greater length when stretching
I realize that it was not harder to do Reverse Kegels in downward bundled stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3.

Reverse Kegel is so important.
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It was easier for me to do reverse Kegels, when I did bundled stretches behind the cheeks, or as I call them, LM b.ASS. I could relax deep into the stretch completely. I consider to get back to the downward stretches again now.

You should do the behind the cheeks stretches for up to 3 to 4 months before switching to another exercise. That way, you will tap out all the gains from that particular exercise.
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