Drop it? Why am I dropping it, all I wanted was for you to make yourself clear, as opposed to being cryptic so that we might be able to converse on this a bit more. I just want a bit of clarification priapologist, that's all. Otherwise it's not conversing and sharing the Love of Christ it's about being right or wrong, and this thread is not about that it's about brining people to see that Christ was no myth, and that He is much more than what "church" makes him out to be. So I am asking you to make yourself clear so that we may openly discuss, let nothing be kept in the dark and bring questions forward and they will be answered and discussed in full view of this forum.
sephin said:
Jesus was 1 of 3 things...

1) Son of God - What he claimed to be
2) Crazy - Whacko for claiming such things
3) Liar - Like the guy in Waco, TX who ran the cult

There are a few more options that you are not considering. Jesus could be a myth made up to fufill the messiah prophecy and never have actually existed (midrash). Could have been a normal man who was mythicized, etc. If you see Jesus as some type of mythical figure you can respect the message, even if he never existed. I haven't read the whole NT yet, but the doctrine of hell and self mutilation, I find quite disturbing. I'm unsure he existed, as I have never seen any contemporary accounts for it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence...
Doctrine of Self Mutilation? I don't think I've ever heard of that one. Could you explain what you mean?

It's a commonly accepted fact among historians that Jesus was in fact a historical figure and that he did exist. There are records from that time period that indicate this.
The whole "if your eye cause you to sin, cut it out, rather enter heaven with one eye than see hell" "if your leg causes you to sin, cut it off, rather than enter hell on two".

As for records, can you give me any links or references? All I have seen are decades or generations later.
Those passages you're referring aren't intended to be taken literally. What he means is to remove whatever is in your life that's tempting you. For instance, for a while, coming to MOS was tempting me to look at �naked people movies� (I had a personal conviction about this, some Christians don't), so I left for a while until I got that part of my life straightened out. This is what the verse means.

As for references, off the top of my head I can think of "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. Strobel had set out to disprove the existence of Christ (which was originally going to be the topic of the book), but through researching for his book he encountered overwhelming evidence that Christ did indeed exist. I believe he has several references in there, but I don't have the book with me at the moment. As far as other references, I'll have to look for that. I'll try to find some over the weekend, or I'm sure other members can point you in the right direction if I don't get to it first.
You can always look at the Roman 1st century historian Josephus as an outside source. He is one that is pointed to most often because he lived during the time period, and wrote about Jesus' association with John the Baptist.

As far as these myth ideas, as I have found that anyone who presents this as fact and points to other mythical characers and then proclaim that Christ never existed are ignoring the evidence of Josephus, as well as ignoring the Gospels as historically factual. The four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John are considered by historians to be 99.9% accurate because of the number of original complete texts in Hebrew and Greek. On top of this there are also partial copies that also verify the events occurring as written in the complete texts. The whole presentation made by people that have written books on the topic of the "mythical" Christ present it as fact with no evidence to disprove the above examples, so they do not include this information as to bring about a stronger case for their side, but in the light of this information they have no legs to stand on.

In the case of Liar, Lunatic, or Lord this idea of a mythical Christ is thrown out because of the historical evidence, so it's not even a discussion because the evidence mounts against this train of thought and eleminates it from possibility. So in this regard a man who claimed to be God has only three options. He would be a lunatic, because who runs around claiming to be God's son? He would be a liar, because he's claiming deity but knows he is not and more over why would he knowing the truth go to his own death (again making him crazy). He would be Lord if He claimed to be God accompanied by miraculous signs and wonders (magicians can't raise people from the dead or give the blind sight), He would have to Love unconditionally, and give of Himself to death. That is the requirement of God's word in the prophecies of the Messiah in the Old Testament, which is a very good portion of the Bible and I honestly reccomend anyone wondering about the Christ that would come as there are over 300 prophecies about Him (from what house he would be born, the manner of his birth, manner of death, to even the things he would say). In more than 300 ways Jesus proved Himself to be honest by God's prophetic word, and this is indeed impossible to manufacture. If these things had not occurred the leaders of the day would have stood and said this man is false and is not the Son of God but a liar. They lost their power and influence over the people. This is all worth looking into, no one has to take my word for it. I have no reason to lie to anyone, as I'm not trying to take your money or to tell you life will be easy, or name it and it will be yours. I come to bring the Truth out, and to reveal that the Son of God is the only path to Him. Other than that I have no reason, but that our Father in Heaven be glorified.
9cyclops9: Seems you don't like the implications of taking that literally, so you are reinterpreting it. Problem is if you start taking things as metaphors, you can pick and choose what you like and the bible will conform to your presupposed notions of what you think it says and what god/Jesus are like. From history I know this passage has led to many castrations among other things.

I've read Strobel's 'Case for a Creator', I found it quite poor. Don't know if I could read another of his as I didn't like the style.

Million: Josephus would not be a contemporary source, his writing appears later. Furthermore it would be second hand at best. Lastly, the passage is regarded as a later insertion, so it can't be used as evidence.

The gospels are not historically factual either. They do not agree with each other, even in something as basic as Jesus' decent (I know you'll say one is Mary's line, but I don't think that flies). The gospels were written decades or generations after Jesus' supposed existence according to what I've seen, thus they can't be taken as historical or contemporary accounts. The crucifixion and resurrections stories don't match up either. The supposed slaughter of children King Herod has no historical record. The dead sea scrolls don't include any of the NT from what I've seen, what original texts are you talking of. Also, what historians? I don't think anyone outside of fundamentalists would declare them perfectly historical.

If I suppose he existed, and take up your 3 options. I would conclude that he was a lunatic and a liar. Liar for promising a return within the generation at hand, and lunatic for claiming to be god. As for the 300 prophecies, I can write a book and give lots of predictions then write another where my character fulfills them, has anything miraculous happened? This is how I regard much of the gospels right now. They were midrash, the OT was used as a reference to write a story of the messiah. There are many verses that match right up, such as the Immanuel line in Matthew, it comes from Isaiah IIRC. I noticed a progression in the crucifixion/resurrection story going through the gospels, as if they had to add more to make their story unique. I am astonished there are no accounts of the 'saints that rose from their graves and visited people' (Matthew 27:52-53). If a zombie saint showed up at my door that would be something worth writing down.

Like you I seek truth, and am trying to uncover it. If it leads to christianity, I have no problem with that. I'm a skeptical though, it comes from being a freethinker.
Kraft, the gospels do agree with the lineage of Jesus. What would you suppose they do not agree on? He is of the House of David born to the virgin Mary, as was prophecied about. If you were to look into the historians who have studied the Gospels (original texts) they agree upon their accuracy (there are over 100,000 complete and partial texts) this evidence does not need to be supported by the Dead Sea Scrolls, as these scrolls are from the Essenes who did not exist during the first century.

As far as you saying you could write a story and fitting everything into a nice little package, that's very true. If you wanted people to buy into it though you would make sure that everything fit, and that the subjects were loyal to Jesus throughout that he was a man worth following to the death without hesitation. This is not the case in the Gospels as He was denied three times by Peter, he was also abandoned by all of his disciples during his trial. They would later go to their deaths for Him, but this is not so during the time of his trial as they feared for themselves. You would not include this in your story as it does not emanate power or authority.

As for the Dead saints rising this did occur, as did the earth quake as it was recorded. So would you suppose that the earthquake occurance being wirtten of but the saints not being recorded discredits it, or would people claiming to have seen dead people seem a bit absurd and out there even for the time. I would keep that to myself personally.

As for Josephus his work was written between and compiled during the twenty or so years after his death, and yes it is believed that the portion of the writing where it reads "and many believed him to be the Christ" is an addition in later years, but this is not the portion I am concerned with it is the portion in regards to his association with John the Bpatist who is written about and did indeed exist. So at least one of the NT characters did indeed live during the first century. The Gospels are accepted as being written between 33-65 a.d. The Gospels are to be accepted as accurate by the historical standards set by academics world wide because the biography of Alexander the great is accepted as 66% accurate by the current standard although there is one complete copy and about 1500 partial copies. The number of sources as well as the time frame written are what verify the sources accuracy, but the biography of Alexander was not compiled till nearly 100 years after his death, although it is believed that his biography was being compiled shortly after his death. So the assumption that the Gospels would be considered inaccurate is not fact according to the historical standard that exists in determining the historical accuracy of documents such as these. There has to be a process through which these things are assessed otherwise we could accept nothing as historically accurate, and the events that are believed to have occured would be pure myth as myths do not require a standard, but the events of history do.

Why did you find Strobel's work to be poor? I'll send you a copy of the case for Christ as he deals with men and women who have worked on these very topics for a life's work, and they are the authorities in the areas he is dealing with in his book. He was an atheist at the outset of this book, and wanted to dismantle Christ, which as I can tell you from trying myself it is not an easy task as the evidence substantiates the claim of Jesus Christ existence. It has not ever been successfully done, unless of course the individual writing the discourse sets out with their mind made up as to what they will and won't use as evidence. This is not about presenting a side of a story or defending a position, but about sharing the facts and if the evidence does not support Jesus existence then I will accept that, but in my experience before coming to Christ as Lord and Savior I could not conclude that He did not exist but that He in fact existed, but it was another issue altogether to accept Him as Lord, and that is individual and personal.

How would you explain the Apostle Paul's transition from being a Jewish Pharisee and persecuting Christians, then to being the greatest advocate of Jesus Christ?
millionman said:
Kraft, the gospels do agree with the lineage of Jesus. What would you suppose they do not agree on? He is of the House of David born to the virgin Mary, as was prophecied about.

Read Matthew 1:1-17, then check Luke 3: 23-38 These geneologies do not match up. Given both include David so as to fulfill that prophecy, very few other decendents match.

You would not include this in your story as it does not emanate power or authority.

That's questionable, I might like to make my characters have emotions. So that they may be scared or betray friends. I think this is just a lot of speculation. My main point here is that with the verse carry over from the OT, many times verbatim, the likelyhood of it just being a retelling to fulfill prophesy goes up.

I would record a dead saint's visit, but that's just me. That the gospels make no mention of who the saints were and what became of them makes it suspicious.

I was under the impression that the gospels were written ~60-120 AD, not 33-65. The connection to John the baptist, Hydromax, I'll have to look into that.

The Gospels are to be accepted as accurate by the historical standards set by academics world wide because the biography of Alexander the great is accepted as 66% accurate by the current standard although there is one complete copy and about 1500 partial copies.

Comparing Alexander the Great and Jesus doesn't really work. Claims of AtG are that he was man, who conquered much land, did battle and later died. These are things that men do, so I can accept that he likely did such things and the historic AtG at least resembles the one written about. As for Jesus, curing the blind and lepers w/o medicine, virgin birth, walking on water and rising from the dead among other things are not what men can do. So accepting a historical version of that is much harder. If you want to prove that a man named Jesus was alive, that shouldn't be hard, there were many with the name at the time, but to say the bible Jesus existed takes a stretch of the imagination.

As for standards in history, it is not my area of study, so I'm unaware of their subtleties.

Why did you find Strobel's work to be poor?

I didn't like his playing naive on things, interviewing people to mine for quotes then forming ad hoc conclusions. His whole, 'if evolution is false, God wins by default' thing doesn't go over. A 'theory' such as ID or creationism, can't stand on evidence against a theory, it must have positive evidence of its own. If you want to send the book to me, if you think it's good I'd read it (send a PM). As for him being an atheist, I kind of doubt it. The way he approached case for a creator, it seemed more like he was someone who had drifted from the faith, but was still a theist.

I could not conclude that He did not exist but that He in fact existed, but it was another issue altogether to accept Him as Lord, and that is individual and personal.

I agree here, accepting that a miracle worker named Jesus existed v. him being the son of god, and the Christian God existing are another matter.

How would you explain the Apostle Paul's transition from being a Jewish Pharisee and persecuting Christians, then to being the greatest advocate of Jesus Christ?

I don't know, I haven't thought much about it.

To be honest, I just started getting into theology in the passed 6 months, so I'm still quite lacking in knowledge. Raised a Christian, currently an agnostic atheist (lack of knowledge, no belief) to most god concepts, while positive atheist to many others (such as say, Zeus).
Just my two cents and then I'm outta here. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make his dumbass drink. Questioning the validity of Jesus's existence? Whether you're Christian or not there's countless sources that validate his existence. Even Muslims and the Koran back this up. The world isn't flat either just so you know. :p
millionman said:
Drop it? Why am I dropping it, all I wanted was for you to make yourself clear, as opposed to being cryptic so that we might be able to converse on this a bit more. I just want a bit of clarification priapologist, that's all. Otherwise it's not conversing and sharing the Love of Christ it's about being right or wrong, and this thread is not about that it's about brining people to see that Christ was no myth, and that He is much more than what "church" makes him out to be. So I am asking you to make yourself clear so that we may openly discuss, let nothing be kept in the dark and bring questions forward and they will be answered and discussed in full view of this forum.

I pity you because you have the insight of a brick. My mea culpa was because I said some things in earlier posts that violated Biblical precepts, which I emphasized in the quoted verses. It had NOTHING to do with you, millionman, it was MY acknowledgement of error. You're just too thick to figure that out.

Priapologist said:
This is a Penis Enlargement website, not your bully pulpit. God loves you man, be happy with that.
millionman said:
Priap, one question, who am I bullying? Do you feel bullied?

Bullying? Dude, read this:

This term stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. Roosevelt also had political affiliation with the Progressive Party, nicknamed the "Bull Moose" party. It got the moniker when Roosevelt ran for President as its candidate in 1912, after declaring himself as "fit as a bull moose."

You lecture others about being ignorant, but you sir are guilty of being one of the most ignorant hacks on this forum. The preceeding is just an example. I am a Christian, millionman, and some of your views on Christianity make my flesh crawl. That crap that you spew about Muslims worshiping Satan is amazingly, achingly WRONG! You are singlehandedly wounding the cause of Christ with your OPINIONS as FACT mentality.

I didn't want to have to say any of this, which is why I told you to drop it, but you just kept on, hacking away and increasing your folly. Please, if you love Jesus as much as you claim to, shut up and educate yourself with something other than the internet and 'yes' books that fit your predisposed notions.

May God forgive me for being blunt.
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who's the guys who said the bit about "justifying own predispositions"? coz that's exactly what this is, and i see it time and time again.
I don't mind your bluntness, and I'm sure that Yahweh doesn't mind either. But my friend if you seem to think I am so thick then why don't you research the symbols associated with Islam and see what they connect to. Arabs are hateful and violent people, and they hate God's chosen people. This is very true, and I reccomend you read a book called The American Prophecies by Michael D. Evans who has spent majority of his adult life working in the Middle East relationships and has a good deal of insight into these relations.

Priap your assertion that the "holy" Quran does not openly disuss the conditions of the martyr and the ultimate reward for killing infidels, then you my friend are very mistaken. This is very true and you may wish to take your own advice on this. I've read the Book of Mormon and the Quran and I can tell you that neither one serves the one true God and it may help you to do some research into what these two specific groups believe. It would appear to me that you are quite possible going to tell me that Mormons are christian and the Jehovah's Witnesses are as well.

My sources do not merely prove any of my points. I have done the research and anyone who is not buying into the Islam is love and peaceful and we should give the palestinians a state (while splitting Israel into two parts) although in 3,000 years of history the arabs can make no legeal claim to the land then by all means my sources are wrong. These are men who have done the research who preach openly the Truth of Jesus Christ is Lord and this does not fit into the current global opinion as all paths lead to god, and this my friends is grave error, as the Bible makes this point very clear. So am I to say that yes islam is a religion full of love, peace, and harmony when they sent thousands of children into the mine fields to disarm the mines (meaning they blew up), what peaceful and loving religion does such a thing to children. This attempt at apeasement for oil is going to cost us much and if you doubt this look at what happened in WWII with the appeasement of Hitler and his war machine. The propoganda, the military processes, the governmental structure, and the manner in which we are attempting to appeal to them is the same way Chamberlain appealed to Hitler, give them land and they'll be satisfied.

If you wish to correct me biblically then feel free to do so, but if you are going to call me out and direct deragatory comments at me then I do not and can not stand corrected. You correct in a spirit of Love and righteousness and for this correction it requires biblical standards to be withheld, now if this is not the case then I am not in error as I have spoken directly from the bible and have not ventured on my own knowledge.

I would like you to point out what I am speaking to as being wrong? What have I spoken of from the New Testament that you would say is a load of crap? Am I not sharing according to the lovey dovey feel good crap that comes out of the "seeker sensitive" churches, or am I preaching the full counsel of the Lord?
millionman said:
...then why don't you research the symbols associated with Islam and see what they connect to...

What symbols are you talking about? Most Muslims reject the use of symbols because of the association between symbols, paganism, and idolatry. Their art is geometric and devoid of faces, animals, and symbols because they recognize that demons, Satan, and evil usually manifest in or as people, animals, and symbols.

millionman said:
Arabs are hateful and violent people...

Any more hateful and violent than us? Think about your own position before you answer that. Think about the number of murders, assaults, and hate crimes that occur in non-Muslim countries before you answer that.

millionman said:
...and they hate God's chosen people.

Who, exactly, are God's chosen people? Realize that it is a mighty presumptuous claim to make.

millionman said:
This is very true, and I reccomend you read a book called The American Prophecies by Michael D. Evans...

Recall that I mentioned 'yes' books? This sounds like one to me. From his own bio it would appear that Mr. Evan has a pro-Christian, pro-Israel, anti-Muslim bias. Here's what one reviewer had to say about the book:

While this book is informative and Mr. Evan’s passion is obvious, it is a difficult read as the first chapter seems little more than Christian conservative propaganda. However, skip the entire “In the Eye of the Prophetic Storm” chapter, and the book will take on a more rational, less hysterical quality. The use of fear as a writing device, mixed metaphors, slight redundancy, and many clichés made this a laborious read. I do recommend the book however for its information and ultimate call to prayer. This book would be great for intercessors. I disagree with the author’s final assessment of rapture as the outcome of America's decline, but learned a great deal in spite of our differing opinions. -- Suzanne Rae Deshchidn, Christian Book Previews.com

millionman said:
Priap your assertion that the "holy" Quran does not openly disuss the conditions of the martyr and the ultimate reward for killing infidels, then you my friend are very mistaken.

I never said that, did I? Go back through this thread and read all of my posts.

millionman said:
This is very true and you may wish to take your own advice on this. I've read the Book of Mormon and the Quran and I can tell you that neither one serves the one true God and it may help you to do some research into what these two specific groups believe.

I have.

millionman said:
It would appear to me that you are quite possible going to tell me that Mormons are christian and the Jehovah's Witnesses are as well.

You are making presumptions about my actions and opinions. Why are you bringing up Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses?

millionman said:
My sources do not merely prove any of my points. I have done the research and anyone who is not buying into the Islam is love and peaceful and we should give the palestinians a state (while splitting Israel into two parts) although in 3,000 years of history the arabs can make no legeal claim to the land then by all means my sources are wrong. These are men who have done the research who preach openly the Truth of Jesus Christ is Lord and this does not fit into the current global opinion as all paths lead to god, and this my friends is grave error, as the Bible makes this point very clear. So am I to say that yes islam is a religion full of love, peace, and harmony when they sent thousands of children into the mine fields to disarm the mines (meaning they blew up), what peaceful and loving religion does such a thing to children. This attempt at apeasement for oil is going to cost us much and if you doubt this look at what happened in WWII with the appeasement of Hitler and his war machine. The propoganda, the military processes, the governmental structure, and the manner in which we are attempting to appeal to them is the same way Chamberlain appealed to Hitler, give them land and they'll be satisfied.

I am uncertain as to your point here. Could you clarify this, please.

millionman said:
If you wish to correct me biblically then feel free to do so, but if you are going to call me out and direct deragatory comments at me...

You're right, I was derogatory to you, and I apologize for that. I also apologize to Swank for being derogatory to him earlier.

millionman said:
...then I do not and can not stand corrected. You correct in a spirit of Love and righteousness and for this correction it requires biblical standards to be withheld, now if this is not the case then I am not in error as I have spoken directly from the bible and have not ventured on my own knowledge.

Again, clarification is requested.

millionman said:
I would like you to point out what I am speaking to as being wrong? What have I spoken of from the New Testament that you would say is a load of crap?

That crap that you spew about Muslims worshiping Satan is amazingly, achingly WRONG!

Am I not sharing according to the lovey dovey feel good crap that comes out of the "seeker sensitive" churches, or am I preaching the full counsel of the Lord?

"Seeker sensitive" churches? Why are you bringing them up?

And, no, I don't think that you are preaching the full counsel of the Lord. Jesus never said to bear malice toward anyone just because they have a divergent faith, but you appear to have issues with not only Muslims, but Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and "seeker" Christians.

Listen, I really am sorry that I sunk to name calling, with you, with Swank, with anyone whom I've offended. That was the crux of my mea culpa: I am sometimes too open to being disparaging of people with whom I do not agree, or who impress me with their ignorance. As I said before, my mea culpa had nothing to do with you, and was simply my acknowledgement of error. You seemed to have felt that my post was somehow directed at you, but it wasn't.
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PRIAP, First I can say that you don't know me, and the reality that regardless of what these groups believe I do love them, but does that keep the from having to face the reality of HELL, no. It is our jobs to be Bereans of the FAITH to make disciples of all nations (note that I did not say converts). There beliefs are wrong and according to God's Holy and Righteous word anything outside of Worshipping Him and Him alone is BAAL worship (which is always associated with Satan and Paganism).

As far as the full counsel of the Lord yes I do preach this way and it is how I live. You can not have love, peace, and charity without justice, kindness, forgiveness, and discernment. These are just a few of the topics that could be addressed rather easily, but issues on Spiritual gifts (prophecy and tongues mainly), works of the spirit, and true FAITH are not so easy to preach on, and you can also look into churches that preach repentance of sins are becoming more and more rare (this is why I included seeker sensitive churches because they're all love and acceptance without this very essential doctrine because it's "offensive" and "harsh"). Judgement and discernment are a packaged deal when it comes to being a good Berean as you see the Apostles in the Book of Acts were. We do not walk through this world blindly and are not called to do so, but we are made as the salt of the Earth and the LIGHT of the world. If this is the reality of the Body of Christ then according to Jesus Christ we can not join in unity with those in darkness or with those who are false teachers who teach false gospels. There is no unity with these because they are preaching a different "christ" and a different Truth, and this is not based on interpretation or having to agree with all matters of Truth but according to the standards set forth by Jesus and the Epistles. It is made clear that if a brother is in error, he is to be corrected (publicly) and if he will not be corrected and has been proven to be in the wrong then he is not to be considered of the Body. As far as I am concerned I will give of myself to my brother in what ever manner Yahweh desires, if it's giving him a bit of money, or helping to move furniture it is still service and I am glad to do it. It is after all more important to LOVE as Jesus loved than to be "correct" or to try to win out over your brother. This does not lend itself to fellowship but is very destructive, and in that regard the provoking of brothers and sisters of the body to merely provoke and stir up trouble is never a righteous pursuit and should never occur, because we do not function according to the world's standards but according to His, and this is another area where many "christians" fall short because they do not place the emphasis on being separate from the world and seem to think it's a minor point of Christ' but it is a major point with Him that He reiterates many times throughout the Gospels. If I am anything, I am His and I know whom I serve and I will follow Him to my own destruction if that is what I am called to. I love Him more than anything, and I may not understand all mysteries or prophecy as Paul did but I'm still learning and that is by His hand and His hand alone. I am glad that you brought up some of these things, and I hope that you have learned something from me as you have helped me to see a few things myself, but not in the way that you might think.

As far as the book goes, the reviewer seems to not hold to the Truth that we as Christians are grafted into Abraham's line, which means we are along side the Jews. It would appear that she is a replacement theologist and this in my mind completely discredits her, as the Word does not allow for the "church" to become a "spiritual" Israel but it does say that we are one Body Jew and Gentile alike. I have learned a great deal from The American Prophecies as far as the Jews place through our History and also in regards to the Arab hate for them. If you were to live in Palestine or Iran or any other Muslim ruled country you would be innundated with much of the same propoganda that the Nazis used to justify the killing of 6 million Jews. Is this something that Allah would approve of, according to the Quran it is something that is to be glorified and a "blessing". This is not the same God of Justice, Love, Righteousness, Honor, Holy, and Judgement. There god is a god of violence and hate, but there are those who exhibit a much different attitude, but even at 1% of 1 billion people that's still roughly 1 million people who want to kill you for being a Christian.

If you wish to discuss the "christian" wars then we can, but I can also tell you that the organization that was behind the crusades is no more "christian" than the muslims in which they killed. Again, it comes back to which Gospel is preached is it the Gospel of the NT or is it something perverse and man-made (look up info on how catholics are saved and compare it to what Jesus said was necessary: and I won't get into the issues of the "pope" or mary). A true believer in Jesus Christ could not have gone out and killed other people in His name, because it goes against who He was. He put the centurions ear back on his head after Peter had cut it off, but Jesus knew what lay ahead of Him and showed mercy to the centurion and to all of us with going to the Cross for our sins. And this is all very true, as it comes down to whether or not a person trully knows Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviorm and He even says you will know my children by the fruits they produce. His children would never manifest death and disease because it's not what He manifests and it is not what His LIFE manifests in us.

On another point what do you think of Jesus in the Temple when He ran out the money changers? What do you think of our "church" being run like a business with marketing schemes, and mass appeal? Isn't it the samething?

You sound as if you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and that you enjoy the load. I have no interest in damping your ardor for Christ or your zeal for spreading the message of salvation through Him, but I would remind you that Paul admonished the Galatians to demonstrate their faith through love. This means loving everyone, regardless of their faith. When you disparage people, you are not expressing love, or even discernment, but malice.

The Judaizers preached that no one could become a true Christian and receive salvation unless they first became a Jew. This is wrong, because it says that Christ was not enough. Some of the things that you say are in the same spirit as the Judaizers: you must be this, you can't be that, et cetera. Jesus said that all we need to do to be saved is to confess our sins and acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior.

I am not "grafted into Abraham's line", figuratively or otherwise. I am a Gentile and I follow Christ under the New Covenant.

Peace, man. God loves you.
I'm going to disagree with you, as the replacement theolgy does not fit. The New Covenant does not void God's promise through the Old Covenant. It still stands, and if you would like to read articles by a Jew who also is a born again Christian and a prophetic minister go to howardmorganminsitries.org and he discusses this Biblical truth very concisely and with no mailice. What I am confused on from your end is why you seem to be ignoring the fact that if you're wrong, you're wrong (as far as following a false faith). This does not mean that I do not have love, it means that I will represent Jesus Christ and preach His word and it comes from a place of love. If I have not love then I am a resounding gong. You can not put me in the place of the judaizers as far as the NT is concerned. These were people (many were pharisees) who were trying to maintain their power and authority and preached a false gospel. Is this what I am doing? By no means. The reality is that the Jews are still god's chosen people, first and foremost, we as gentiles are offered the gift of being in His kingdom by the free gift of grace, and this is not to say that Jews are exempt from this as they too are elgible, but the essential Truth is that we are ingrafted into the tree of Abraham because we are accepted as joint heirs of Christ which would make us brothers (also friends) and as a brother of Christ who was a direct descendant of the house of David who also sprung from the line of Abraham. So this is very true and can not be disupted. We are all part of the same tree, which is also spoken of as a body as well as being taught as a tree that bears fruit.

What you call disparaging is mere presentation of fact. Paul went to the Greeks and spoke to them abou their idols and more specifically to the unknown god, would you not call this too to be disparaging to the greeks, but all Paul was doing was presenting the fact that what they were putting faith into had no power or authority and was no god at all, but that there was one true GOD on high and that His son died on the cross for the sins of all. So is this not a disparagement to their faith? Paul spoke very directly and to the point, and I do not mince words myself. I have reasoned and discussed the facts and presented the Truth in love, if I did not love I would have been quite and this thread more than likely would have been started by someone else, but because I am interested in the men on this board and their eternal spirits then that is LOVE my dear friend (said sincerely). You must see this before you ascribe me to being unloving and callous. I care greatly for the men on this board, and I have no other desire but to show the love of Christ (even though it is an internet forum with limited capacity to do so). It is clear to me that you mean well, but you have to take a step back and see if what you are saying goes along with His word and not merely interpretation or what you have been taught. This is the only way that we can come into an intimate place with Him is that we set aside our perspectives and opinions and let him lead the way. At one point in my walk I felt the way as you do, but because Yahweh is my rabbi I have learned a very different way and am being brought up by His hand, and this is how we all should seek to be (matthew 23:8-10 for reference). It's freedom Priapologist, and it is completely different when you escape man's system of doing things (living in the world as opposed to being of the world) and walk with Him hand in hand, and that is what will make you different than anyone else around you as it's not mere belief at that point (idea that jesus is cool and as a savior) to walking in FAITH (almighty, all sufficient, all powerful) and this is a paradigm shift in your flesh, in your soul, and in your spirit and it is a restored order to God's original plan that we would be born of the Spirit (which is God's life). A very good resource for this kind of teaching is WatcHydromaxan Nee (as far as a philisophical approach). Jesus Christ is still above all of man's thoughts and man's perspectives but the WatcHydromaxan was a man who lived out what he wrote (actually lived it before he wrote it), and he is a very solid resource of experience in this Life but he would never superceede Scripture. Blessings to you brother, and I pray that you will seek after Him whole heartedly and cling not to your life but the Life that Jesus Christ, Mat 16:25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever will lose his life for my sake will find it.
millionman said:
What you call disparaging is mere presentation of fact.

What is factual about this:

millionman said:
My friend if you had any clue as to what the symbols of Islam mean and what they are connected to and what god they worship isn't a god it is satan.


Using your Abraham argument - need I remind you that Abraham was the father of both Isaac and IsHydromaxael? If IsHydromaxael's decendants worship the God of Abraham, which the stridently aver to do, then you're calling God/YHWH satan!? You're trying to have it both ways: Chastizing me for "replacement theology", but then saying that even though Christians and Jews are family, Muslims aren't.
What is even more interesting is the fact "people of god" spread like a fucking plague, have caused millions of deaths, and they call me ignorant. I am an Odinist, and practice what my ancestors of nordic and celtic europe practiced. No christian can tell me to practice otherwise. I am just thankful you christians arent killing us pagans anymore.
Um.. that was the crusades in the past, which were wars between two religions, not genocide.

Now lets see here. Stalin. Atheist. Killed Millions. Hitler. Atheist. Killed Millions. Pot Pol. Atheist killed millions. Mao Ze Tung. Atheist. Killed Millions. All within the last 100 years.

Ever heard of Samaratin's Purse or other nonprofit Christian organizations that go around the world (many times first on the sight) helping with relief efforts.

Ya well I have never heard of an atheistic organization, that even had a canned food drive...
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