Jun 3, 2003

LengthMaster Rolls: 3 Sets of four 30 Second Rolls
LengthMaster Twists: 3 Sets of four 30 Second Twists

LengthMaster PowerAssist Stretches:
One Minute Stretch of Each Below

Base Twist Stretch
Body Rock Stretch
Bow & Arrow Stretch
Double Handed A-Stretch Video
Down and Out Stretch
Rocking Stretch Video
Side Fulcrum Stretch
Sling Shot Stretch
Tunica Fulcrum Stretch

Bathmate HardCore Stretches

5 Minutes Total
3 Minutes Low Grip LengthMaster Stretches
3 Minutes LengthMaster Hole Stretching

After Length Routine put on your SiliStretcher for sets of 30-60 minutes and try to get in 4 sets of these prior to girth work.

DLD Bathmate Super Sets Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

5 Minutes in the Mityvac to full pressure
5 Minutes Slow Squash Jelqs
5 Minutes in the Mityvac to full pressure
5 Minutes Slow Squash Jelqs
5 Minutes in the Mityvac to full pressure
5 Minutes Slow Squash Jelqs

The SRT Size Blaster Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
This is the all new exercise is the end all girth and length practice that will pack on inches of girth and length through it’s powerful one way compression. The main goal in SRT and gaining size is to not only stretch the size we currently have but to access inches of hidden penis found just below the pubic bone and all the length that goes to your rectum. In some men there is up to 10 inches of internal penis but how to claim this size has been difficult using hands only until now.

The SRT Size Blaster works on a mental level that if the internal penis was exposed we could use it. Keeping this in mind it is our first job to grip the extreme base of the solid, erect penis and dig our grip as far into the internal penis as possible. Once we have a good grip on the internal penis we use the other hand to pull and stretch all external penis out ward while the other hand continue to dig deep and deeper into the internal penis. This whole time we are push ing very hard into internal penis while pulling and stretching the penis being exposed. Eventually you will be have to masturbate the new, exposed penis whole the low hand continues to expose new, untapped penis. In time the internal structure will become real, useable, visible penis. As a matter of fact I diid not think there was anyway for me to make bigger gain than I have but this new exercise seems to be unlimited to all men to claim new penis.

Just like the Slow Squash Jelq we are not looking for any specific time limit, we are going for as long as we can and when we need rest we rest, regroup and start again. Imagining the penis inside of you coming out is a very tantalizing way of thinking and as it does become viable be sure to include it in the exercise.

I have noticed that I need to use some of my scrotal skin to become part of my shaft to keep gains coming quickly so I am sure to leave as much slack as possible and as I need more skin I can access it. This transference in skin will not only help guys with Turkey Neck but it will help you turn that skin into skin needed for the shaft. Remember, SRT is transposing and repositioning the body and this exercise certainly embodies that.

I like to use �naked people movies� as a catalyst for the work but I go with the most innocent martial as possible. As more and more of the internal penis comes forward you will be able to make longer jerks in motion as new penis will appear.

I like to spend about 45-60 minutes doing these to get the best results.

Attach Cock Ring to keep pump for as long as possible.
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Oh man just ordered the LM!! Been off for awhile and so ready to get back in to it!! Really want to do this routine but i cant seem to view them. Im using an iphone and its my only access to the internet right now. Is it just me? I would love to view these so i can get the visual and get started. Also will the LM come with some kind of user manual? Cant wait. I always have had an issue with grip so i know this is gonna help so much.
icelex;588267 said:
Oh man just ordered the LM!! Been off for awhile and so ready to get back in to it!! Really want to do this routine but i cant seem to view them. Im using an iphone and its my only access to the internet right now. Is it just me? I would love to view these so i can get the visual and get started. Also will the LM come with some kind of user manual? Cant wait. I always have had an issue with grip so i know this is gonna help so much.

Awesome! The manual is online HERE and will be greatly added to over the next week with tons of fresh video.
icelex;588267 said:
Oh man just ordered the LM!! Been off for awhile and so ready to get back in to it!! Really want to do this routine but i cant seem to view them. Im using an iphone and its my only access to the internet right now. Is it just me? I would love to view these so i can get the visual and get started. Also will the LM come with some kind of user manual? Cant wait. I always have had an issue with grip so i know this is gonna help so much.

Awesome! The manual is online HERE and will be greatly added to over the next week with tons of fresh video.
DLD im looking into getting a LengthMaster, im from Australia do they ship there? and im uncircumcised and I read that it can be a bit of a hassle trying to get a grip with the length master, do you have any type of wrapping technique that might suit a foreskin man like myself?
length;590387 said:
DLD im looking into getting a LengthMaster, im from Australia do they ship there? and im uncircumcised and I read that it can be a bit of a hassle trying to get a grip with the length master, do you have any type of wrapping technique that might suit a foreskin man like myself?

Yes we ship everywhere in the world. I have never heard com plait about uncut guys not getting grip, once you are strapped into the LengthMaster there is 100% grip, the penis has no choice, it is gripped to the max and from here you simply grab the handlebars are go crazy!

I definitely suggest you wrap and the LengthMaster comes with everything you need to do so, Theraban and Ace Bandage. Keep an eye on the LengthMaster User Guide, there will be new video added as we edit them.
Anthony78;590428 said:
In my opinion I'd get a length master first. It's absolutely the best penis enlargement device out there. You won't be disappointed.

I'll be ordering a LM soon and will adopt this as my routine for a long time. Are there videos of the SRT size blasters anywhere? I'm confused on how to do this. Also, on days that these are used will I still do normal length and girth work?
rynkrt3;593590 said:
I'll be ordering a LM soon and will adopt this as my routine for a long time. Are there videos of the SRT size blasters anywhere? I'm confused on how to do this. Also, on days that these are used will I still do normal length and girth work?

Great to hear Brother. There are not any SizeBlaster videos yet but there will be one soon. We are finishing up our video upload software this weekend that will allow everyone to upload videos right to the site.
rynkrt3;594102 said:
But which stretch is which? If I'm following a routine I need to do what each exercise is :)

you can name each stretch whatever you want. call stretching the left school bus...it doesn't matter. just do it for a set amount of time and then do the same on the other side. setting up a routine is easy and you will continue to perfect it for yourself.

you can stretch and twist your cock in every way without your hands getting tired with the LM so have a ball
youknowme123321;594115 said:
you can name each stretch whatever you want. call stretching the left school bus...it doesn't matter. just do it for a set amount of time and then do the same on the other side. setting up a routine is easy and you will continue to perfect it for yourself.

you can stretch and twist your cock in every way without your hands getting tired with the LM so have a ball

Exactly. Any stretch can be done with greater intensity using the LengthMaster, including all of Basic Stretching, Expressive Stretching, Rolls and Twists, hanging, etc. The best way to create a route in to go through the various stretching potions and find what feels best for you. I suggest that whatever you do, be sure to include some Expressive Stretching, or low grip stretching to express internal gains. The routine, as it is written above gives a very good set of stretches with directions.
Awesome. Just get my very own LM like 10 mins ago. Can't wait to get started. But can someone explain how to do hole stretching, LM rolls and LM twists?
GhostRider;599603 said:
Awesome. Just get my very own LM like 10 mins ago. Can't wait to get started. But can someone explain how to do hole stretching, LM rolls and LM twists?

Check out some of Youknowme videos, he shows most of the stretches with the exception of Hole Stretching. Hole Stretching is a very easy to understand exercise. Taking the body of the LengthMaster, stripped down, you bring your penis through the hole and with good intensity push the body of the LengthMaster against your pubic bone, expressing as much inner penis as possible, using the free hand you stretch this penis at the lowest point you can. This exercise is for bringing internal penis out. As far as rolls and bundles go, once you have strapped into the LengthMaster with chamber attached you basically roll the LengthMaster back and stretch forward to accomplish roll stretching. Bundles would be twisting the LengthMaster one or more times and stretching from there. You will find many ways to stretch with the LM as it can be used in almost any stretch position. Having access to the 2 handle bars makes intensity amazing. The place where most need practice in wrapping the right way to stretch comfortably, check out the various wrap techniques in the wrapping forum.
Thanks a lot DLD. I figured out Twists and Rolls would be something like that, but just wanted to make sure. Just had no idea at all how to do Hole Stretching. As for the wrapping, you right, that definitely needs practice. I tried today and it seems hard. Did Theraband with UJW on it, but couldn't get it to work. I'm thinking I'll try pulling foreskin foward, than wrapping with Theraband only. I started to get worried that wrapping may not work for uncut guys, but than I saw Fedora's wrap and that second guy in hanging tutorial, who was uncut also (I thnk). And hope came back. ;)
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