Kratom and Premature Ejaculation


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2009
One thing i have found is that kratom helps relax the hyper-flexion of the PC muscles which triggers PE. The over all calming effects in both the metal/anxiety/arousal, and the physical/ spasm/tenseness, really lead to a ''longer'' lasting ability or more staying power. I feel like its inevitable that we will soon find something or a combination of things that will lead to a more complete or total control over ejaculation.
A combination of kratom w/ some sort of desensitizer would be optimal.
The best way to take kratom is to make kratom honey balls or peanut butter balls.
I was wondering if those desensitizing sprays worked on the penis to the point that it will prevent premature ejaculation.
i don't know yet, but durex has a spray thats been getting good reviews.
i once put peppermint oil on, just a drop on the underside of the glans, it took about 10 min, but it did work somewhat.
i don't know yet, but durex has a spray thats been getting good reviews.
i once put peppermint oil on, just a drop on the underside of the glans, it took about 10 min, but it did work somewhat.

Wow you’re reminded me that I tried that too but I did not have success with it. I could not really use my penis it was just you burning. I thought about things like Lanacane which should be in numbing agent but I’m sure there’s so many others.
Lidocaine works, it's called EMLA cream and can be bought through recipe only where I live, but i've heard some countries have it over the counter. Apply, let it sit there for 10 minutes and wash off. I've used it often, but I don't anymore since 5 years. Reason is I don't needed it, well, untill a week ago anyway (read other post) and the fact it's retracting my scar tissue too much. Also the washing off part is tricky, cause the cream can give the skin a burning sensation with a little heat on it. So cold works best imo. It can be somewhat addicting for some to do this, which can be a trigger for premature ejaculation in the future when depanding too much on factors outside yourself rather then your own techniques and skills. Just my 2 cents. If you have questions about the cream, I can help, used it many times in the past. Only how to buy in the States... I cannot help you with that.
One thing i have found is that kratom helps relax the hyper-flexion of the PC muscles which triggers PE. The over all calming effects in both the metal/anxiety/arousal, and the physical/ spasm/tenseness, really lead to a ''longer'' lasting ability or more staying power. I feel like its inevitable that we will soon find something or a combination of things that will lead to a more complete or total control over ejaculation.
A combination of kratom w/ some sort of desensitizer would be optimal.
The best way to take kratom is to make kratom honey balls or peanut butter balls.
Hello jekyllnhyde360.

I suffer from PE. I can only go a few minutes and always tend to beat the Mrs to orgasm. To make matters worse, she reckons that she won't have a vaginal orgasm, only a clitoral orgasm. So part of my problem is that she doesn't care if I was able to bang away for 20mins. I don't doubt that this might be different if I had a bigger penis. Anyway, I shoukd start a new thread to discuss my own issues.

Reason for the reply is to ask what is Kratom? Is it a herb or synthetic substance?

Hello. My husband and I are always looking for new sensations. One day we came across history of kratom, where it was said that the effect would be cooler than from Viagra. We decided to check it out, and it turned out to be true. We do not abuse it and use it once a year to feel the pleasant effect. I've heard that it also helps with physical back or knee pain, as well as mild depression. I also want to answer your question - this is a grass, not a synthetic substance, but you need to look at where you buy it. The best thing is to consult a doctor, maybe he will tell you how, it will be better.
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Only heard about really bad side effects for Kratom (from thetruthergirls), interesting.
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Only heard about really bad side effects for Kratom (from thetruthergirls), interesting.
They're idiots, and probably paid... there's a HUGE push by western governments to demonize Kratom because its a MASSIVELY beneficial alternative to harmful and dangerous painkillers... It got me off opiats, it's safer than weed. There's no lethal limit, it's also self-limiting meaning you can only take so much before you get nauseous. And the addiction potential is less than coffee... i've eaten up to 30 grams a day for months, and quit cold turkey without so much as a headache.. It's all nonsense.. big pharma is trying to synthesize the active compound responsible for its anti-depressant effects called mytraganin... Also, heroin addicts can come down and get clean within 2 months rather than 3 years on sub or methadone. it's all money and misinformation.
What is the best way to use Kratom, pill, cream, other forms? Has anyone found a good source for acquiring it, will a doctor prescribe it?
They're idiots, and probably paid... there's a HUGE push by western governments to demonize Kratom because its a MASSIVELY beneficial alternative to harmful and dangerous painkillers... It got me off opiats, it's safer than weed. There's no lethal limit, it's also self-limiting meaning you can only take so much before you get nauseous. And the addiction potential is less than coffee... i've eaten up to 30 grams a day for months, and quit cold turkey without so much as a headache.. It's all nonsense.. big pharma is trying to synthesize the active compound responsible for its anti-depressant effects called mytraganin... Also, heroin addicts can come down and get clean within 2 months rather than 3 years on sub or methadone. it's all money and misinformation.

i dont disagree with you past the paid... part - but she is literally just talking about her experience coming off of Kratom

ya pretty much i keep hearing people say the US is (basically owned) run by 5 Giant corporations - Big A - G, Pharma, Military Ind -ustrial Complx etc. is my geuss not sure exactly - but its clear The West is basically under The Iron Curtain 2.0 (Brave New World/1984 stuff) but Corporatism version.

Basically the Fight Club Philosophy-Consumerism quote x 100 thousand but built on a foundation of Gynocentrism and obviously global Caste System (Legally) which ultimately boils down to Centralized Banks/Power vs Not Centralizated
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They're idiots, and probably paid... there's a HUGE push by western governments to demonize Kratom because its a MASSIVELY beneficial alternative to harmful and dangerous painkillers... It got me off opiats, it's safer than weed. There's no lethal limit, it's also self-limiting meaning you can only take so much before you get nauseous. And the addiction potential is less than coffee... i've eaten up to 30 grams a day for months, and quit cold turkey without so much as a headache.. It's all nonsense.. big pharma is trying to synthesize the active compound responsible for its anti-depressant effects called mytraganin... Also, heroin addicts can come down and get clean within 2 months rather than 3 years on sub or methadone. it's all money and misinformation.

My brother where the heck of you been? It is so good to see you posting again! How are things been going have you been training?
i dont disagree with you past the paid... part - but she is literally just talking about her experience coming off of Kratom

ya pretty much i keep hearing people say the US is (basically owned) run by 5 Giant corporations - Big A - G, Pharma, Military Ind -ustrial Complx etc. is my geuss not sure exactly - but its clear The West is basically under The Iron Curtain 2.0 (Brave New World/1984 stuff) but Corporatism version.

Basically the Fight Club Philosophy-Consumerism quote x 100 thousand but built on a foundation of Gynocentrism and obviously global Caste System (Legally) which ultimately boils down to Centralized Banks/Power vs Not Centralizated
The US is being torn apart, there are too many people who watch mainstream news and think theyre forming valid opinions based off facts, when in reality they're being lied constantly, and the numbers are heavily censored or misrepresented. Cov for example has led to the greatest transfer of wealth in American history, from the poor into the pockets of the rich (and im not talking about your little millionaire here, we're talking the big guys) ... Also, they've used this to make a massive land grab, all farms and cattle ranchers who lost big, got bought up by bill gates.. funny how in the past few years research has shown the a meat only diet can reverse mental illness, cancer, autoimmune disorder... then all of a sudden, meat is being demonized, everyones being waterboarded with lies and propaganda, told to go vegan, more lies about cow farts causing global warming, more plant based docs filled with lies about the health aspects of veganism... And then it all makes sense, bill gates owns beyond meat, has heavy investement in agriculture, israel has heavy investment in US agriculture, Big pharma same thing... And this is just one subject
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My brother where the heck of you been? It is so good to see you posting again! How are things been going have you been training?
Just getting back into it, moved to another city, had people coming in and out... finally set up. I really want to grab an inch quick (6 months) im using a hanger, and some jelqing
Just getting back into it, moved to another city, had people coming in and out... finally set up. I really want to grab an inch quick (6 months) im using a hanger, and some jelqing

That’s a really good goal and I think it’s very doable with the right routine. What exactly are you doing right now?
The US is being torn apart, there are too many people who watch mainstream news and think theyre forming valid opinions based off facts, when in reality they're being lied constantly, and the numbers are heavily censored or misrepresented. Cov for example has led to the greatest transfer of wealth in American history, from the poor into the pockets of the rich (and im not talking about your little millionaire here, we're talking the big guys) ... Also, they've used this to make a massive land grab, all farms and cattle ranchers who lost big, got bought up by bill gates.. funny how in the past few years research has shown the a meat only diet can reverse mental illness, cancer, autoimmune disorder... then all of a sudden, meat is being demonized, everyones being waterboarded with lies and propaganda, told to go vegan, more lies about cow farts causing global warming, more plant based docs filled with lies about the health aspects of veganism... And then it all makes sense, bill gates owns beyond meat, has heavy investement in agriculture, israel has heavy investment in US agriculture, Big pharma same thing... And this is just one subject
The Green movement is pretty much the avatar for Communists and there supporters (most of the filthy rich etc).
If most people don't atleast wake up to what this guy talks about in this video or - Dr.Cywes - Asra Conlu -
most of em will walk right into Soylent Megacities and far worse Transhumanist lunacy.
The Green movement is pretty much the avatar for Communists and there supporters (most of the filthy rich etc).
If most people don't atleast wake up to what this guy talks about in this video or - Dr.Cywes - Asra Conlu -
most of em will walk right into Soylent Megacities and far worse Transhumanist lunacy.
Michael Anthony is awesome, i follow his youtube channel as well... And he's right.
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If anyone's interested in Any Ytube channels (before they get deleted more or less)/ well here are some of em;
Asra Conlu
Dr. Cywes
lazarus MGTOW
Terrence Popp
An Ear for Men
Men Are Good!
David Whitehead
Keith Knight
Bruce H. Lipton
Tentacle Croissant
Garland Farms
Dr. Eric Berg
Siim Land
-=who knows with the ones below at this point, make of them what you will.
Vegan Phobic
Vegan Deterioration
Hot for Health
Bobby's Perspective
Louis Rossmann
ADV podcasts
The Angry Prepper
Conservative Twins
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen
Avi Yemini
Zebra Corner
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