I believe my English have become better being here.


Also called: SIM
Staff member
Jan 6, 2023
I believe my English have become better being here for almost 1 year now. I have created 8,150 messages now.

Do anyone else also feel that their writing skills, and language have improved being in this brotherhood?

I do not speak English in my country at all. But everything seams to have improved only by writing so much English...amazing. I'm sure I do some errors here and there, but I hope it's not that bad.šŸ˜…
Yep improving and learning a new language is great šŸ‘.Is it Swedish a hard one? It's not as common as english, Would be cool to learn a few words
Iā€™m from Texas, best state in the union btw. Your English is good. Minor errors in past and present tense, but beyond that, good. Just so yā€™all know we talk different down here versus those New York yanks. šŸ¤£ bunch of racist a.sholes up north.
My wife is from Africa, so I deal with a language barrier every day. ā€œ I will chop youā€ is pretty clear though. šŸ˜‚ I will tell you though, itā€™s surprising what you have to deal with up north. Iā€™ve had my mixed race kids yelled at along with me. Such an insult by black Americans. Fā€”k New York.
Would love to have an African wife. African women are so beautiful. And so many of them have beautiful souls. Kind and caring. Just perfect.
Itā€™s like the 1950ā€™s in America all over again. I love herā€¦ she puts up with this sorry ass marine vet. She is still there after everything. The best.
Life is short. Love is all we have. Unless you f..k with me or my family, then you will be shot. Thatā€™s life. šŸ‘ love you brothers. Goodnight.
Itā€™s like the 1950ā€™s in America all over again. I love herā€¦ she puts up with this sorry ass marine vet. She is still there after everything. The best.

I'm thinking about a particular woman right now. She is really beautiful. Even without makeup she is beautiful (she don't need it).
She enjoys doing the dishes even. Taking care of her brothers (cleaning and making food to them) and so forth...

I think I'm scared from moving on in life...I put obstacles in front of myself when there is none. From this moment on I will stop this. Just do what I want to do. Follow the feelings a little bit more, live in the moment a little bit more...life can be beutiful, that I know. Don't make life harder then it is. Procrastinating is my worst enemy...I will get rid of that guy. Just live, and live free. Be you.

I hope these thoughts made sense.
Move forward or move on. You canā€™t hold on. Iā€™ve watched enough young men die to be thankful Iā€™m alive past 19. I always remind myself that I have to be thankful Iā€™m alive. Itā€™s been 20 years since Iraq, but I still can see their faces. I have been blessed. Itā€™s a constant battle but I canā€™t give up on life.
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