Have any of you improved your ejaculation force with kegels?


Aug 23, 2003

I wonder if there is a living proof that PC-flexes (or Kegels) improve the ejaculation force. I’ve been doing Penis Enlargement exercises for about 11 weeks now (including the Kegels) and I’m satisfied with my length and girth gains up to now. But I don’t see many changes in my E-force.
I have to admit I sometimes neglect my PC training.
Has anyone noticed good improvements on this issue, if so please give me your advice or comment?

Thanks Yves
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
The �naked people movies� star Peter North is living proof.

Red, you left off part of the sentence! It should read: "The �naked people movies� star Peter North is living proof.....that Clomid will do wonders for your ejaculation quantitiy!"

How about making your own living proof though? Have you actually practiced ejaculating? I know it sounds funny at first but, one of the things I learned to do early on in my Penis Enlargement "career" was to actually practise flexing my pc muscles while ejaculating. While masturbating I would practice flexing the muscles in sync with the normal ejaculation spasms. Learning to do this is one of the KEYS to increasing ejaculation distance. You can have strong PC muscles and still be a dribbler. If I dont deliberately flex my PC muscles during ejaculation (its hard to type that word repeatedly!), the first stream might shoot out with an ok force but, the rest will just run out.
Thank U stillwantmore,

This sounds logical; I will try it as soon as possible.

I get this to, when i flex my PC muscle when ejaculating to shoots so much further.
Originally posted by KingD
What is Clomid and where can I get some?


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As I see the number of relevant “Replies”, on my question to improve the ejaculation force, there don’t seem to be a lot of guys who have a positive experience. I hope there are more good results after doing the Kegels. If so, please let me know.

Thank you for the replies and for sharing you knowledge with me,
Actually Yves...its probably because you could have used a better title for your post. Like "HOw to improve Ejaculation force/volume?" In fact I'll rename it for you. That might help. I'm sure more guys have had results with kegels.
I know all about the positves of the PC muscles and about the Peter north shit too.
I was pointing out that the guy also does kegels as well as take supplements for increasing volume [whic I didnt mention].

If you do the kegels.....take Zinc you'll be fine guys....fuck that other shit ya dont need it...all that cum I mean come on it aint natural.
Yep Arginine is also a great supp for increasing volume...Yohimbe seems to do so for me as well.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
I know all about the positves of the PC muscles and about the Peter north shit too.
I was pointing out that the guy also does kegels as well as take supplements for increasing volume [whic I didnt mention].

If you do the kegels.....take Zinc you'll be fine guys....fuck that other shit ya dont need it...all that cum I mean come on it aint natural.

Who cares if it's natural??? Cumming like a horse is the most fun a guy can have!
It is alot better natural, i would like to do it without the aid of pills.
Well for instance instead of taking a zinc pill you would just eat foods high in zinc (I hear oysters are good for producing more cum). But really your body does what it does, and there only so much you can do without suppliments.
Originally posted by stillwantmore
Red, you left off part of the sentence! It should read: "The �naked people movies� star Peter North is living proof.....that Clomid will do wonders for your ejaculation quantitiy!"

How about making your own living proof though? Have you actually practiced ejaculating? I know it sounds funny at first but, one of the things I learned to do early on in my Penis Enlargement "career" was to actually practise flexing my pc muscles while ejaculating. While masturbating I would practice flexing the muscles in sync with the normal ejaculation spasms. Learning to do this is one of the KEYS to increasing ejaculation distance. You can have strong PC muscles and still be a dribbler. If I dont deliberately flex my PC muscles during ejaculation (its hard to type that word repeatedly!), the first stream might shoot out with an ok force but, the rest will just run out.

I'm a bit confused by this.

It is completely contradictory to what I've previously been told.

I was led to believe that the best way to prevent premature ejaculation, was to flex your PC muscle when you feel that you are going to come.

It sounds like it works the opposite way round for you.
Now I don't know what to believe.
Originally posted by Mercury
I'm a bit confused by this.

It is completely contradictory to what I've previously been told.

I was led to believe that the best way to prevent premature ejaculation, was to flex your PC muscle when you feel that you are going to come.

It sounds like it works the opposite way round for you.
Now I don't know what to believe.

"Orgasms include two separate and distinct events, even though in many men (almost all) they occur at the same time. First, the prostate and other internal organs contract and force their fluids into the base of the urethra (the inside end); this is sometimes called "emission". Once this has occurred, ejaculation is inevitable and can not be stopped. Several seconds later, orgasm involving contractions of the penis and the urethra force the semen out through the tip of the penis in spurts."

If you can prevent the prostatic fluids from getting to the base of the urethra, then you can prevent ejaculation. Guys who have really good control can prevent the ejaculate but feel the second part of the orgasm. And then they are ready to go again in a few minutes.
so do kegals prevent ejaculation, increase the ejaculation load or both?
SWM, thanks for the info on flexing in sync with orgasm, i tried it the other day and i fired like a cannon. A good 2 foot shot, it was fun. i remember shooting further before without flexing, but that was when i was exercising my PC muscles a lot, and it was just a powerful orgasm. thanks again
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