Best place for weight placement while hanging


Sep 25, 2015
Just wanting to know where is the best place for the weights to hang in terms of distance from the actual hanger? I just started trying to hang direct from the hanger - carabiner - weights without much length of rope in between. This caused immense pressure, pulled my skin over the glands and eventually can feel it starting to slide out of the wrap.

Pictures of how I normally hang, and of how I have tried to hang, with no leverage of rope in between the weight and hanger.


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Hi Wetdream666,

It does not matter what the distance is from the actual Hanger, the amount of force remains the same. You will feel a different pull depending on the angle of hang, ranging from BTC to OTS. If the Hanger is not grasping the tissues properly and sliding down, closer to the head, it may feel like the force is more intense, because your anchor point is not good. It is more a matter of poor technique, usually related to wrapping, or not tightening down enough during your session. Are you tightening more during your sets?
Assuming your wrapping technique is on point, and you are tightening further during your sets, the only other variable that I can think of which can lead to slippage is where you attach the Hanger relative to the head. If you attaching too close to the head, the Hanger will not grasp the internals like it should, and will slip.
Generally, you want the front edge of the Hanger to be at least 1.5 inches away from the coronal ridge, so you have that buffer zone where the internals bunch up and form a stable anchor point.
I do not know about your weight progression, what you are doing exactly, so until you can give me more details, the advice I can provide is limited.
Hopefully, this information points you in the right direction, and you can solve this issue.
Best of luck.
Hi Wetdream666,

It does not matter what the distance is from the actual Hanger, the amount of force remains the same. You will feel a different pull depending on the angle of hang, ranging from BTC to OTS. If the Hanger is not grasping the tissues properly and sliding down, closer to the head, it may feel like the force is more intense, because your anchor point is not good. It is more a matter of poor technique, usually related to wrapping, or not tightening down enough during your session. Are you tightening more during your sets?
Assuming your wrapping technique is on point, and you are tightening further during your sets, the only other variable that I can think of which can lead to slippage is where you attach the Hanger relative to the head. If you attaching too close to the head, the Hanger will not grasp the internals like it should, and will slip.
Generally, you want the front edge of the Hanger to be at least 1.5 inches away from the coronal ridge, so you have that buffer zone where the internals bunch up and form a stable anchor point.
I do not know about your weight progression, what you are doing exactly, so until you can give me more details, the advice I can provide is limited.
Hopefully, this information points you in the right direction, and you can solve this issue.
Best of luck.
Hi mate appreciate your response. The slippage only occurred once I started hanging with the weights directly from the carabiner to the hanger ie. no distance of rope hanging in between.

Before that it was fine. I get to about my 2nd 25min set and I start to get abit of pain half way through but I can make it through.

I’ve only been hanging for three weeks but I have hung many times before. This time I got my wrap technique way better and the hanger is a lot closer to my body as close as I can get it while staying on my shaft.
Hi mate appreciate your response. The slippage only occurred once I started hanging with the weights directly from the carabiner to the hanger ie. no distance of rope hanging in between.

Before that it was fine. I get to about my 2nd 25min set and I start to get abit of pain half way through but I can make it through.

I’ve only been hanging for three weeks but I have hung many times before. This time I got my wrap technique way better and the hanger is a lot closer to my body as close as I can get it while staying on my shaft.
So is everything fine now, or do you have any other issues?
By the way, pain halfway through is really bad. You should not fight it at any point, especially at higher weights. I have a lot of experience with hanging, and the best advice I can give you is to listen to your body. Do not fuck around with this stuff. You will injure yourself if you try to be a hero.
No watching the clock, no clenching your fists, no gritting your teeth... you should be able to focus on another task.
If you are having pain, you need to figure out what the issue is and fix it. Do not fight it.
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Just wanting to know where is the best place for the weights to hang in terms of distance from the actual hanger? I just started trying to hang direct from the hanger - carabiner - weights without much length of rope in between. This caused immense pressure, pulled my skin over the glands and eventually can feel it starting to slide out of the wrap.

Pictures of how I normally hang, and of how I have tried to hang, with no leverage of rope in between the weight and hanger.
That wrap looks so good, I'm pretty noob myself at wrapping.
Do you have a silicone sleve over the bandage? Can you go through how your wrap is constructed? Have tried the lengthmaster but I think I messed up the wrapping (not using it now), not smooth, it should be smooth right (no wrinkles/creases)?
That wrap looks so good, I'm pretty noob myself at wrapping.
Do you have a silicone sleve over the bandage? Can you go through how your wrap is constructed? Have tried the lengthmaster but I think I messed up the wrapping (not using it now), not smooth, it should be smooth right (no wrinkles/creases)?
Must be smooth. I used to use T-shirt material under Theraband. You pull the shaft skin back after each pass of underwrap (in spiral form), to ensure the skin is as smooth as possible. Then, you wrap over the T-shirt material with the Theraband in the same fashion.
You should be able to comfortably pee with your wrap on. You want it to be just snug. If your wrap is too tight, the pressure of the hanger will amplify the problem, causing fluid buildup in the skin, among other things.
Wrinkles below the underwrap will pinch the skin with applied pressure.
Very important to experiment and get it right. There are many other wrapping methods to try. Whatever works best for you.
Must be smooth. I used to use T-shirt material under Theraband. You pull the shaft skin back after each pass of underwrap (in spiral form), to ensure the skin is as smooth as possible. Then, you wrap over the T-shirt material with the Theraband in the same fashion.
You should be able to comfortably pee with your wrap on. You want it to be just snug. If your wrap is too tight, the pressure of the hanger will amplify the problem, causing fluid buildup in the skin, among other things.
Wrinkles below the underwrap will pinch the skin with applied pressure.
Very important to experiment and get it right. There are many other wrapping methods to try. Whatever works best for you.
Okey thanks. I did just put on the THERABAND wrinked and then winded bandage on top of that. I don't think it was the best.
I will try to do it smooth, if I need the length master in the future (I will probably need it).
Okey thanks. I did just put on the THERABAND wrinked and then winded bandage on top of that. I don't think it was the best.
I will try to do it smooth, if I need the length master in the future (I will probably need it).
I have also used stillwantmore's method of wrapping, which I found to be very good. Sweatshirt material under ace wrap. I am sure there is a tutorial somewhere on this site. I liked it a lot.
I have also used stillwantmore's method of wrapping, which I found to be very good. Sweatshirt material under ace wrap. I am sure there is a tutorial somewhere on this site. I liked it a lot.
Sweatshirt material under ace wrap?
Isn't important that the material under the bandage part of the wrap, is flexible and stretchable? I'm thinking if you wrap to use the length master. Or I may not understand why you use the THERABAND?
Sweatshirt material under ace wrap?
Isn't important that the material under the bandage part of the wrap, is flexible and stretchable? I'm thinking if you wrap to use the length master. Or I may not understand why you use the THERABAND?
I don't know how guys wrap here, or what you have been told. I certainly do not want to confuse you, so ask questions if you don't understand.
I like 2 wrapping methods. The first is an underwrap of T-shirt material, a long strip with dimensions of 1.5" x 20", and then a strip of Theraband of equal dimensions over that, spiraled from about one inch behind the head to the base.
The second is Still's method, which is a wide enough strip of T-shirt material to wrap around the shaft once or twice, as an underwrap. Then, you would wrap over that a few layers of self-adhering Ace wrap.
Both methods are good, but Still's is easier.
Those are the two methods I would use, and have done well with them.
Maybe you can describe exactly how you wrap, so that I can understand what you are doing?
I wrap using ace bandage underneath. I think it was cut to 0.5m. Ive tried the theraband underneath and it was terrible. It pinched and burnt the skin really bad. I think it makes sense to use a nice soft material direct to skin and the rubbery stretchy thera on top to create friction but not to cause pain to your skin.

I take a long piece of tape and tape back the skin horizontal down the shaft to the scrotum which helps Keep the skin back while wrapping.

wow sounds like grandmaster really knows his stuff. I think maybe I will completely re wrap in between sets. I think maybe the hanging on the first set is what’s messing up the wrap for the next set. It’s such a very tedious process.

I’ve always found hanging so painful and tricky to perform until DLD and Huge Girth helped me out with my technique.

I’m hunting this 1inch in length…
I wrap using ace bandage underneath. I think it was cut to 0.5m. Ive tried the theraband underneath and it was terrible. It pinched and burnt the skin really bad. I think it makes sense to use a nice soft material direct to skin and the rubbery stretchy thera on top to create friction but not to cause pain to your skin.

I take a long piece of tape and tape back the skin horizontal down the shaft to the scrotum which helps Keep the skin back while wrapping.

wow sounds like grandmaster really knows his stuff. I think maybe I will completely re wrap in between sets. I think maybe the hanging on the first set is what’s messing up the wrap for the next set. It’s such a very tedious process.

I’ve always found hanging so painful and tricky to perform until DLD and Huge Girth helped me out with my technique.

I’m hunting this 1inch in length…
Is the Ace bandage underneath comfortable? It is not exactly smooth, and can get sticky.
I cannot imagine using Theraband as an underwrap. Never heard of that before. It wouldn't hug the shaft the same way as cotton shirt material would, due to its bulkiness. Normally, you want the Theraband to be the outer layer of wrap, for better grip and protection.

You really should not have to re-wrap between sets. Again, your wrap should not be too tight. It should be snug, yet still be loose enough to allow you to reposition it manually, closer to the base, in the event that it gets too close to the head in between sets. I was always able to grab my glans and stretch out my unit, while pulling the wrap back slightly, for minor adjustments. When you stretch out the penis, it becomes thinner, and allows for some minor adjustments provided that your wrap is just right.

If your wrap is covering the head and beyond during sets, that means that the hanger is not grasping the internal structures properly, and you may be getting more stress on the skin than you should be, from too much forward movement. Either that, or you need to start the wrap a little further back from the start. OR, your hanger is simply not tight enough, and you need to refine your technique.

You can try hanging a lighter first set, to help establish a good grip, and then see if subsequent sets are easier to hang. Usually, if you create a good anchor point on the first set, you'll have a better chance of things running smoothly. But remember, the interstitial fluid gets squeezed out as you compress your tissues over time, so it is important to tighten more as you do more sets to ensure the hanger stays in place.

IF it is still slipping, then you are probably using more weight than your penis can handle, meaning that you moved up in stress levels too quickly, not allowing your body to adapt accordingly. How much weight are you hanging, and how much have you progressed in stress levels (weight + sets) over your three weeks of hanging?
Is the Ace bandage underneath comfortable? It is not exactly smooth, and can get sticky.
I cannot imagine using Theraband as an underwrap. Never heard of that before. It wouldn't hug the shaft the same way as cotton shirt material would, due to its bulkiness. Normally, you want the Theraband to be the outer layer of wrap, for better grip and protection.

You really should not have to re-wrap between sets. Again, your wrap should not be too tight. It should be snug, yet still be loose enough to allow you to reposition it manually, closer to the base, in the event that it gets too close to the head in between sets. I was always able to grab my glans and stretch out my unit, while pulling the wrap back slightly, for minor adjustments. When you stretch out the penis, it becomes thinner, and allows for some minor adjustments provided that your wrap is just right.

If your wrap is covering the head and beyond during sets, that means that the hanger is not grasping the internal structures properly, and you may be getting more stress on the skin than you should be, from too much forward movement. Either that, or you need to start the wrap a little further back from the start. OR, your hanger is simply not tight enough, and you need to refine your technique.

You can try hanging a lighter first set, to help establish a good grip, and then see if subsequent sets are easier to hang. Usually, if you create a good anchor point on the first set, you'll have a better chance of things running smoothly. But remember, the interstitial fluid gets squeezed out as you compress your tissues over time, so it is important to tighten more as you do more sets to ensure the hanger stays in place.

IF it is still slipping, then you are probably using more weight than your penis can handle, meaning that you moved up in stress levels too quickly, not allowing your body to adapt accordingly. How much weight are you hanging, and how much have you progressed in stress levels (weight + sets) over your three weeks of hanging?
Maybe it’s the last thing you said LOL

I started at 11lbs week 1 because the last time I hung which was over a year ago, I progressed from that very quickly.

Week two I moved straight into 16lbs as I’ve only got 5.5lb plates. I’ve used that the last three weeks. I’m starting to feel good and adjust really well. Hanging it quite easy until the second set I’m having to distract myself a bit about half way through.

I did just go buy a 11lb plate earlier and I just hung 22lbs for about 15mins.

I felt, ligament pain but a fair bit of burning sensation in the shaft and skin being pulled down over the head like mentioned earlier in my posts. Immense pressure from the skin coming down towards the glands. I’ll post a picture.

I think maybe the skin needs to catch up but I’m not increasing any more weight from here on for a long while.

I do know for sure my wrapping has definitely improved so maybe just some minor tweaks.

I think I’m gunna drop back to the 16lbs and maybe increase duration for a while.

this is becoming a lifestyle lol


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Maybe it’s the last thing you said LOL

I started at 11lbs week 1 because the last time I hung which was over a year ago, I progressed from that very quickly.

Week two I moved straight into 16lbs as I’ve only got 5.5lb plates. I’ve used that the last three weeks. I’m starting to feel good and adjust really well. Hanging it quite easy until the second set I’m having to distract myself a bit about half way through.

I did just go buy a 11lb plate earlier and I just hung 22lbs for about 15mins.

I felt, ligament pain but a fair bit of burning sensation in the shaft and skin being pulled down over the head like mentioned earlier in my posts. Immense pressure from the skin coming down towards the glands. I’ll post a picture.

I think maybe the skin needs to catch up but I’m not increasing any more weight from here on for a long while.

I do know for sure my wrapping has definitely improved so maybe just some minor tweaks.

I think I’m gunna drop back to the 16lbs and maybe increase duration for a while.

this is becoming a lifestyle LOL
Okay, great information!
Honestly, you moved up in weight way too quickly. I know that you are eager to make gains, but with hanging, the most important thing is to get your technique right and to move up slowly. If you push too hard too fast, you end up with issues.
If you continue to have problems with slippage, I would suggest you cut down by 50% and only add a few pounds per week from there, until you reach fatigue in your first or second set. You have to be a bit patient as your body adapts. It will serve you better in the long run.
Lastly, please do not hang in pain. Do not fight it. If it is too much to handle, reduce the weight, or stop the set altogether. Your number one priority should be safety.
I am sure you will figure it out eventually.
Best of luck.
Maybe you can describe exactly how you wrap, so that I can understand what you are doing?
I didn't know what I was doing, I think the wrinkles and the creases from the THERABAND made the usage of the length master more uncomfortable then it should be. I'm not using the length master right now, but will probably use it in 6 months.

I just folded the THERABAND in half, pulled back my foreskin, stretched my penis and then winded it from the base of my penis, to under the glans. In this I remembered there where many creases and wrinkles. I didn't knew if I should cut the THERABAND into a better size or what?
On top of the THERABAND, I winded a soft stretchable bandage. A type of stretchable and soft bandage that is mostly used to: Support ankles and wrists, If you have sprained them.

It can also be that my penis wasn't used to be clamped down in the length master, and that was the reason it was to uncomfortable.
I have been told you get used to the uncomfortable feeling, and it will go better when the skin of your penis have become used to it.

But I think this wrap should work, maybe just reduce the wrinkles and creases in the THERABAND layer. So just...THERABAND and a bandage on top of that.

What do you think about this wrap?
As I said, I didn't knew what I was doing. The only thing I knew was to use the THERABAND, under the bandage and also to pull back the foreskin in this wrap.

I just folded the THERABAND in half, pulled back my foreskin, stretched my penis and then winded it from the base of my penis, to under the glans. In this I remembered there where many creases and wrinkles. I didn't knew if I should cut the THERABAND into a better size or what?

You don't fold the Theraband in half, it makes it too bulky, and your hanger is less likely to grasp the internal structures of the penis. Your wrap should be a smooth, stable bundle. To achieve this, use thin, material underwrap (even a strip from a cotton sock would work -- simply cut around it with scissors to get two equal parts, and trim them), and you would spiral over that a strip of Theraband, starting at around 1 inch or so behind the head, towards the base. Not the other way around. Your underwrap should not be tight nor loose around your shaft -- it should just "hug" it. The Theraband overwrap can be a bit more snug, but not too tight. For your size, I would say a strip of Theraband with dimensions 1.5" by 15-18" should be about right.
Instead of Theraband, you can try Ace wrap. No need to spiral it, just cut the width you need, and wrap several layers of it over the underwrap. Should be a solid, stable bundle of wrap.
Try both and see decide which method is better for you.
That is basically it.

On top of the THERABAND, I winded a soft stretchable bandage. A type of stretchable and soft bandage that is mostly used to: Support ankles and wrists, If you have sprained them.

Why would you need bulky, stretchable bandage over Theraband? What is the purpose of this? The more wrap you use, the bulkier it gets, and the more difficult it will be to grasp the internal structures. That is why your hanger is slipping. Your wrapping method is messed up.

It can also be that my penis wasn't used to be clamped down in the length master, and that was the reason it was to uncomfortable.
I have been told you get used to the uncomfortable feeling, and it will go better when the skin of your penis have become used to it

It can be a little uncomfortable in the beginning if you have never done it before, but there should never be any pain. If there is pain, then you are doing something wrong. It is more than likely due to poor wrapping technique.
If your wrap is not good, and the hanger is slipping, then you need to figure out what is wrong and fix it. You should not have to suffer through it.

But I think this wrap should work, maybe just reduce the wrinkles and creases in the THERABAND layer. So just...THERABAND and a bandage on top of that.

The Theraband is too bulky to be used as an underwrap. You will get air pockets, creases, wrinkles, which can pinch the skin. It is not a good underwrap, and will not create a solid, stable bundle.
I have never heard of such a wrapping method in my entire hanging/PE career. Everything you have described is pretty much the opposite of what you should be doing.

What do you think about this wrap?
As I said, I didn't knew what I was doing. The only thing I knew was to use the THERABAND, under the bandage and also to pull back the foreskin in this wrap.

The hanger should grasp the internal structures of the shaft, and not move forward. If you wrap over retracted foreskin, you are only encouraging it to slide forward again through stretching. You only need to pull the shaft skin back a little to create a smooth surface, but not the entire foreskin.
I do not understand what you are doing, or why you are doing it, but none of it seems right.
Clearly, it is not working for you, by your own admission, which does not surprise me at all. It is time for you to try a different method.
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I just folded the THERABAND in half, pulled back my foreskin, stretched my penis and then winded it from the base of my penis, to under the glans. In this I remembered there where many creases and wrinkles. I didn't knew if I should cut the THERABAND into a better size or what?

You don't fold the Theraband in half, it makes it too bulky, and your hanger is less likely to grasp the internal structures of the penis. Your wrap should be a smooth, stable bundle. To achieve this, use thin, material underwrap (even a strip from a cotton sock would work -- simply cut around it with scissors to get two equal parts, and trim them), and you would spiral over that a strip of Theraband, starting at around 1 inch or so behind the head, towards the base. Not the other way around. Your underwrap should not be tight nor loose around your shaft -- it should just "hug" it. The Theraband overwrap can be a bit more snug, but not too tight. For your size, I would say a strip of Theraband with dimensions 1.5" by 15-18" should be about right.
Instead of Theraband, you can try Ace wrap. No need to spiral it, just cut the width you need, and wrap several layers of it over the underwrap. Should be a solid, stable bundle of wrap.
Try both and see decide which method is better for you.
That is basically it.

On top of the THERABAND, I winded a soft stretchable bandage. A type of stretchable and soft bandage that is mostly used to: Support ankles and wrists, If you have sprained them.

Why would you need bulky, stretchable bandage over Theraband? What is the purpose of this? The more wrap you use, the bulkier it gets, and the more difficult it will be to grasp the internal structures. That is why your hanger is slipping. Your wrapping method is messed up.

It can also be that my penis wasn't used to be clamped down in the length master, and that was the reason it was to uncomfortable.
I have been told you get used to the uncomfortable feeling, and it will go better when the skin of your penis have become used to it

It can be a little uncomfortable in the beginning if you have never done it before, but there should never be any pain. If there is pain, then you are doing something wrong. It is more than likely due to poor wrapping technique.
If your wrap is not good, and the hanger is slipping, then you need to figure out what is wrong and fix it. You should not have to suffer through it.

But I think this wrap should work, maybe just reduce the wrinkles and creases in the THERABAND layer. So just...THERABAND and a bandage on top of that.

The Theraband is too bulky to be used as an underwrap. You will get air pockets, creases, wrinkles, which can pinch the skin. It is not a good underwrap, and will not create a solid, stable bundle.
I have never heard of such a wrapping method in my entire hanging/PE career. Everything you have described is pretty much the opposite of what you should be doing.

What do you think about this wrap?
As I said, I didn't knew what I was doing. The only thing I knew was to use the THERABAND, under the bandage and also to pull back the foreskin in this wrap.

The hanger should grasp the internal structures of the shaft, and not move forward. If you wrap over retracted foreskin, you are only encouraging it to slide forward again through stretching. You only need to pull the shaft skin back a little to create a smooth surface, but not the entire foreskin.
I do not understand what you are doing, or why you are doing it, but none of it seems right.
Clearly, it is not working for you, by your own admission, which does not surprise me at all. It is time for you to try a different method.
Thanks for the tips, they will help me.
Not using a hanger, I was trying the length master for the first time, and hadn't read into wrapping methods, or how to think about it. So probably not the right thread to ask this. But your tips will greatly improve my experience.
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