Jun 3, 2003

LengthMaster Wrapping

LengthMaster Hanging & Weight Test

LengthMaster A to Y Stretch

LengthMaster Rotary Stretches

LengthMaster Down and Out Stretch

LengthMaster Rotary A-Stretch

LengthMaster Resistance Bands 1

LengthMaster Resistance Bands 2

Wrapping your penis before using the LengthMaster is very important to assure maximum comfort and non-slippage. As you move up into heavier weights I suggest you pre-wrap your penis.
We included a couple members videos below on wrapping

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Using the PowerAssist portion of the LengthMaster
There are multiple intense penis stretching exercises that can be done using the PowerAssist portion of the LengthMaster. I have included diagrams and video to help aid you.


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The new video is awesome, it is his full workout x 7-10 sets. It is the exercises I am using too. I have named a couple to start a good exercise list.

DLD Bundled Twists
This exercise includes:
Up to Center
Up to Right
Up to Left

Straight Out to Center
Straight Out to Right
Straight Out to Left

Down to Center
Down to Right
Down to Left

Behind the Cheeks to Center
Behind the Cheek to Right
Behind the Cheek to Left

Explained: While attached to the Length Master twist handles 1-3 times (depending on comfort) and simply stretch in the direction of preference.

DLD Assisted Rolls
This Exercise Includes:
Rolled forward and Up
Rolled forward and Down
Rolled Backwards and Up
Rolled Backwards and Down

Explained: While attached to the Length Master Roll handles 1-3 times (depending on comfort) and simply stretch in the direction of preference.
would love to try this out, dont have the cash though, just a young poor student. :/
opa;345252 said:
would love to try this out, dont have the cash though, just a young poor student. :/

I am doing everything I can to get the price down. Should have good news soon.
definately gonna cop one of these when I get back into the length game!
As Ive stated before,a superb piece of Equipment!

My only concern is "slipping"? I do not really understand how it can hold the penis in such a good grip as it does in the video.

DLD,is UJ cut or uncut? Is it possible that there may be problems for Uncut Users?
c.phantasy;345265 said:
As Ive stated before,a superb piece of Equipment!

My only concern is "slipping"? I do not really understand how it can hold the penis in such a good grip as it does in the video.

DLD,is UJ cut or uncut? Is it possible that there may be problems for Uncut Users?

well you aint going to push with full force, that is just stupid to do. I think you just need a good amount of blood in your penis head before you stick it in...and make sure not to pull so hard so you are slipping cuz that might be dangerous.
Damn DLD, you new creation looks monsterous. Reading the treads about it made me curious, now that I've seen it in action...WOW man I'm really impressed. 3 best manual stretchers in one,you're really a mastermind! This will revolutionize length work.

I do a kinda similar exercise with 2 "sticks", that concerns rolled stretching and something with I call kingcobra stretch (I stretch the penis in an S-motion; you could say underneath with a power assist and up with the "sticks"). This shit gives me personally an INSANE lig-stretch. But I was always dealing with difficulties like skin, pressing/holding it together and turning. Your Length Master makes these things easy as hell, respect man. The name is very fitting. The potential of this is unmatched!:O
Only thing that I question as an extender user is the padding, it looks good with the cushend leather. Hard padding often means blood circulation problems and soft padding often slipping. Can you give some more information about this???

Anyway I think I will order one after my holiday. Because I still live with my parents and lets say they will be curious what's in the package... I was paranoid the whole day when my extender was send LMAO. So I might order one in the second week of august. Any estimation on the supplies by then???
Will PM you around that time.
Fuck my short-time goal of 8" I'm going for 9" LMAO.
I am really looking forward to getting one of these!
Hope the price will get down soon too.

Damn it looks awesome!
Well here is the deal. I had to order another 10 as I took 2 orders more than I had (plus I have 2 that need to go to Red and Threak) So there are 7 now available.
c.phantasy;345265 said:
As Ive stated before,a superb piece of Equipment!

My only concern is "slipping"? I do not really understand how it can hold the penis in such a good grip as it does in the video.

DLD,is UJ cut or uncut? Is it possible that there may be problems for Uncut Users?

He is uncut and grip is not an issue (see the video)
Damn, those vids looks good. Those are killing stretches. :O

You must be really sore after a routine session.

Keep us updated with your results guys.
Starks;345344 said:
Damn, those vids looks good. Those are killing stretches. :O

You must be really sore after a routine session.

Keep us updated with your results guys.

Just murder my friend...the penis has little choice but GET LONGER:)
Great videos. Can you get your Uncle to demonstrate the LM's hanging capabilities?
REDZULU2003;345538 said:
Great videos. Can you get your Uncle to demonstrate the LM's hanging capabilities?

Yes Indeed...I will get him to shoot it for me tomorrow. Any other Ideas are open too, so if you have an idea, exercise, etc. let me know and I will try to get it on video.
Okay than, well if possible [Tricky to do] could he perform the Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise by Blue_Whale bundled version.

If he's okay doing that and has a spare Power Assist I would love to see him do the Power Assisted version of the above BUT the Length Master is also used for the bundles, so the penis would first be inserted through the PA and arms placed underneath the legs, than the LM setup so the bundles are in placed and the stretch commences.

As the LM does its thing he will need to also drive some force into the penis instead of just stretching. Hard to describe and best to try the exercise with no PA or LM and than do it with them, you'll catch my drift than.

Doing this with these two pieces of equipment would be the ULTIMATE external tunicae exercise around because with that new attachment, we can really go for L O N G hold times which will results in massive length gains.
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