
Aug 1, 2014
bought your dvd(liked the option of video) because i read much about you and wanted a set routine by the master dld himself . i have been doing pe for about 6 months(because of ed from test pills which i stopped and now can get hard) and my estimated girth gain is .5 if i remeber correctly started at 5.0 only took a good look at length which i havent touched i started phase 1 but am doing 4 workouts a day 30 min each 2 length and 2 girth all about 3 hours apart im starting at (8.0 non bone pressed )8.4-5 bone pressed) 5.5 thickest girth along penis 5.25 smallest) MY GOAL IS 10/6.5!! .... i have intersting knowledge/views of my own when it comes to pe that no1 has disccused in all the pe ive read and would like to apply my knwoledge to others looking for help in gains as you join me in my jounrney i hope to reach my goal within 5 motnhs with your routines and adding stuff myself but beleive it can be done quicker not trying to injure myself of course XD well ill begin to discuss my views when i get my first responce to thread the insight is quite intersting i must say and i would like to thank you ahead of time for giving me this oppurutiny to share my jounrey and views with the world
jacob5414;595713 said:
bought your dvd(liked the option of video) because i read much about you and wanted a set routine by the master dld himself . i have been doing pe for about 6 months(because of ed from test pills which i stopped and now can get hard) and my estimated girth gain is .5 if i remeber correctly started at 5.0 only took a good look at length which i havent touched i started phase 1 but am doing 4 workouts a day 30 min each 2 length and 2 girth all about 3 hours apart im starting at (8.0 non bone pressed )8.4-5 bone pressed) 5.5 thickest girth along penis 5.25 smallest) MY GOAL IS 10/6.5!! .... i have intersting knowledge/views of my own when it comes to pe that no1 has disccused in all the pe ive read and would like to apply my knwoledge to others looking for help in gains as you join me in my jounrney i hope to reach my goal within 5 motnhs with your routines and adding stuff myself but beleive it can be done quicker not trying to injure myself of course XD well ill begin to discuss my views when i get my first responce to thread the insight is quite intersting i must say and i would like to thank you ahead of time for giving me this oppurutiny to share my jounrey and views with the world

It is good to have a main goal in mind, an ending size you are looking for but I suggest you set many smaller goals to get there. I have always had a major goal in mind but I never set a time limit, I only put time limits on the smaller goals. This serves to keep me inspired and motivated in my training. I am happy that you have already realized some goals and I love that you want to share this with the Brotherhood. Having new Brothers arrive daily that are hungry in altruism is inspiring to me as this is how I started in PE.
A 2 inch gain is definitely attainable and as long as you stay consistent and increase intensity over time you should hit your goals, don't be afraid to add new exercises to your routines.
ive notice length gain slightly by viaual and girth aswell more then length but not measuring till after a month in. 1 week down . ive been working with phase 1 x2 length x2 girth a day 4 total added downward jelgs for girth and upward pull with base pull aswell for length. and when doing stretches i flex my penis muscles(the same flex you do to make your bonner move pc i beleive not sure but flood gets pummped in there aswell and as i flex the muscles contract backward pulling my hand back no matter how stonrg im pulling then i release and get a more better stretch as it expans more contract+expand throught the stretch and throught the whle penis.... plus i was a frequent masterbatter like 1 a day or 3 days off and go all out for one day x3 XD but ima stop since im taking pe seruously read on other pe site they took a poll that said those who didnt masterbate while doing pe gained 3x faster so self control to me is more important at this time then choking my chicken and i read more about masterbion on here that to much is not healthy and i wanna get those hard one not soft bonner during sex hahah so im gonna stick with once a month self control comes easy to me when i set goals but id like to watch �naked people movies� for girth but msotly focuisng on my penis cuz i notice after a while i dont get much blood pumped to be 80% but watching �naked people movies� for 5 sec then going back to workout till occurs again helps maintian blood flow but dont want to get the psychologioal phenomea where watching �naked people movies� makes you only get hard for �naked people movies�
btw the law of attarction/subconcious mind are great when working with pe

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ill talk more about beliefs in the self and such as i go more into this thread
WHAT YOU THINK MAKES YOUR REALITY your thoughts will materialize all that there is in the real world came from the brain .... i bet rasputin did pe hahahaha
jacob5414;596041 said:
WHAT YOU THINK MAKES YOUR REALITY your thoughts will materialize all that there is in the real world came from the brain .... i bet rasputin did pe hahahaha

This is true but the thing is you need to be on the right frequency to do this. Many men will want to make their realities a new but they are still tuned into the old frequency. It is like a TV set that you are watching is tuned to BatMan but you want to watch SuperMan. The only way you will see the show you want to watch is by tuning into that program. The same applies to us in the sense that what we want and what we are tuned into are usually very different from one another. In order to see a change for what we want we need to tune into that frequency and allow the manifestation to happen.
baby powder does the work when streching !! and past two days i havent needed to use �naked people movies� to stay 80% while working girth, i feel i break mental blocks quiet quickly everything seems to be coming along great!! i put more attention now on my pe then the gym haha if(!when!) i achieve my goals of 2 inch length gain 1 inch girth ill have a long term goal having a footlong dong
jacob5414;596183 said:
baby powder does the work when streching !! and past two days i havent needed to use �naked people movies� to stay 80% while working girth, i feel i break mental blocks quiet quickly everything seems to be coming along great!! i put more attention now on my pe then the gym haha if(!when!) i achieve my goals of 2 inch length gain 1 inch girth ill have a long term goal having a footlong dong

With a footlong dong comes great responsibility! :):):) Someday I will have one:)
jacob5414;596300 said:
you shall be the holder of the world record one day

I think my mind has created a block to pass the 11" mark or maybe I just know it is just too big, who knows.!! adding this to my routine for girth part of the day length is just a plus to the workout and 11-12 is alot imagine 13.5 XD

- - - Updated - - -!! adding this to my routine for girth part of the day length is just a plus to the workout and 11-12 is alot imagine 13.5 XD
i bet he did pe growing up just playing with his penis not knowing what hes doing but he was gteting gains do that
been doing great with my routine so far no days off i can totally notice my penis getting bigger me cold is like like 5.5-6 i love it girth also has been increasing but i aint measuring till the one month mark i see gains now and gains in my fuirutre gains everywhere haha also what do you reccomend me to do kegal wise throught the day while im not peing i wanna be hard as a rock like you at 10.5
jacob5414;597018 said:
been doing great with my routine so far no days off i can totally notice my penis getting bigger me cold is like like 5.5-6 i love it girth also has been increasing but i aint measuring till the one month mark i see gains now and gains in my fuirutre gains everywhere haha also what do you reccomend me to do kegal wise throught the day while im not peing i wanna be hard as a rock like you at 10.5

You can start with the Newbie Kegel Routine which takes about 10 minutes but from there just keep adding in more and more throughout the day until endurance becomes strong. Like I said in another thread, kegels will eventually become a subconscious act that happens through the whole day without you even knowing your doing them. It just takes conditioning yourself to do them as often as possible.
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