
  1. DLD

    Why Don't You Have A LengthMaster or a BathMate?

    I would really like to know, what is holding you back from getting a LengthMaster or BathMate? Let me know.
  2. ludens

    Getting more "Depth" (girth)

    Hey everyone. I have been focusing on girth (on and off) for about 4 years, mostly through using the bathmate and jelqing. I've seen great results, around .5" more length and girth overall, and much better flaccid hang which is a great feeling haha. But most of my girth gains have come...
  3. J

    Words of Wisdom

    Hey Brothers, This is my first post on here however, I've been lingering around for quite some time. I came across penis enlargement a few years ago but never really thought about it seriously until lately. Before I get into things... let me give you some background. Unfortunately, growing...
  4. T

    Penis still wont stretch...

    Ive posted this so many times but still someone has yet too help me. My penis isnt stretchy during routines anymore. Like i tug ans pull as hard as i can but it feels like its being held back by something. Yes i warm up yes i do bundled stretches beforehand. But my dick just wont stretch...
  5. T

    My length master snapped

    So i was trying too screw my lm on for my routine and the clamping thing snapped in i get a warranty?
  6. Adamtf1982

    Family PE.......literally!

    What got me to start this thread is, the other day, someone asked me the question, if I kept my "equipment" hidden, or out in the open.....and I don't think anybody, other than my wife, or son, has really found it at home, cause our master bath, is thru our room. But, it made me think of a funny...
  7. robodick304

    I have returned! with more questions

    Salutations fellow PE brothers, I have returned from a self imposed exile: for the last 3 years I was heavily addicted to opioids... alas as of today I am 90 days clean! And I am never going back. I apologize for the grim message, but it is the truth; there is a epidemic affecting the USA...
  8. Lightning

    Congratulations to kyomoto for Winning the 2016 Top Poster Grand Prize!

    Congratulations to kyomoto for Winning the 2016 Top Poster Grand Prize! kyomoto had 4562 posts this year more than doubling our second place poster Munto and third place LONGERDICK7+ kyomoto opted for the PlayStation 4 Final Fantasy Bundle [Japan Import] for his grand prize! Good job...
  9. DLD

    NoFap no �naked people movies� Accountability Thread

    This is a thread that I am creating for those who are struggling with either �naked people movies� or masturbation issues (or both) and want to stop these behaviors. I have spent much time reading ways to stop masturbation and �naked people movies� and I have to say, most of these things will never help. I have...
  10. S

    My penis is in the process of getting bigger!

    Hi, how are ya? And happy thanksgiving. My name's sammy from Morocco and my parents wanted from to marry but I have gotten some issues and my parents thought I am a gay (I don't have any problems with gays am open-minded). So that my family hates me for avoiding marriage for a long time, but my...
  11. G

    New member here but not new to PE

    Hi, I have been doing PE for 5 months now and been a member on a different PE site I have gained nothing and I think its because the difference in mentality Over there they believe, less is more, and don't apply to much pressure you don't want to break your dik, when stretching they say...
  12. B

    Big update on spouse.

    Hey all just got in from the hospital, Just thought id drop in and give everyone a update, she came through surgery good, one small incision in her groin, she was up eating when I left her around 7pm , doctors are saying she should be able to come home tomorrow, if everything goes as planned, I...

    Poem to my son

    On this day those eighteen years your arrival brought floods of tears, not of happiness but those of pain , after that day I would never be the same. On this day you was born asleep,on this day I shall forever weep, but on this day I will try my to smile , because from that day on I had to go...
  14. jekyllnhyde360

    McDonalds changes everything!

    Super random, but i thouht i'd mention it! If you've been to McDicks lately and something tasted off, or not nearly as good, it's because they've made huge changes to their food, and although its ''healthier'' and i say that very sarcastically, it's definitey not better! And i say this as...
  15. the boss!

    "The SRT Size Blaster" I've been using C rings..

    Hey for anyone out there with "SRT Size Blaster" as part of their Expressive stretching. I've found a way to replace the L wedge for a more effective grip and stretch, I use a lot strenght with the L wedge, so a few stretches later arms are burning, and if a let it go I HAVE start over to...
  16. M

    want to.try hanging.

    can.someone. and.what the in.what amount.of.time...
  17. M


    how much can.u.gain in.6_12months and what's the best hanger.n
  18. eugine8plz

    Moving around comfortably in an extender?

    I am thinking about getting a new extender and I am wondering how do people walk around work all day with it on comfortably and discreetly? Do you guys wear just loose fitted pants or do you eat some what tight-ish pants as well? Is it a pain in the ass walking around with it on? I am either...
  19. Ronin_OZ

    A stretch - does anyone still use it?

    Hi everyone, I have been noticing that a lot of routines, now days, don't include the A stretch. I was wondering why not? It gives a good stretch. But what I noticed most is how loose and pliable my penis felt after doing them. So I started thinking maybe it could be integrated as a warm up with...
  20. Lightning

    MoS Established April 2003 - Over 1.3 Decades Strong!

    Wow its hard to believe that it has been over a Decade (13 years) since my best friend DLD came to my house and dropped his pants to show me his 4" stretch mark on his Jimmy Johnson and we then created MoS. Special thanks to Bathmate, SizeGenetics, PeniMaster & Phallosan for all the support...
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