erect stretch

  1. DLD

    DLD Twisted Erect Stretches / The Tunica Transformer!

    Ok, I have been working with these for some time now and as I said earlier last month, I did not want to release these until I was confident in their safety and effectiveness. I feel these are the ultimate Tunica expander and they are really simple to do. Use caution and never push yourself to...
  2. I

    no gains :(

    ok guys i dont know what happen but i guess the first post didnt go through so this is my second attempt on a thread.. any ways im new to this site fellow p.e. brothers and i like what i see this place is really helpful... so some of my back ground is i have been doing p.e on n off for about a...
  3. DLD

    DLD Duel Double Stretch.....Should have thought of this years ago!

    Funny when you are stretching and you find a position, one you never have hit before for what ever reason and you create a new stretch. This stretch, for me, left me sore as a newbie after only 15 minutes of doing them. I believe that they not only address expressive gains (bringing internal...
  4. D

    Question about __________ Stretch

    So I have been working stretching the tunica with the __________ Stretch but it has been unsuccessful. I can do an erect stretch from the base and it hits the tunica pretty good, so I know what it feel like to stretch the tunica. I really want to get this __________ Stretch. When I execute the...
  5. D

    Erect stretch cementing and eq.

    Are erect strecth gains cemented as you do them? And do they improve erection quality?
  6. L

    Big Length Gainers, A Question

    BPFSL is longer than BPEL. My understanding is that's a constant. My question is, as you gained in BPEL, did your BPFSL grow at the same rate? Just curious if this works in any kind of consistent way. I have only been allowing myself to check by hand, but the change is there.
  7. 1

    90 days=1 inch

    Well I created a 90 day to 9 inches program as I was stuck at 8 for awhile. I switched up my way of thinking, my routine and my nutrition. I realized that I would have to gain 1/10th of an inch every 9 days which made the goal seem A LOT easier. I currently just finished day 18 with a...
  8. L

    The frustrating 7¨ BPEL

    ssjs are great and i have seen great chances of reaching the 7 NBPEL but today had a dissapointment my dick got smaller or something haha anyway hope i get that size asap 7 inches is nothing, and i will gain, just a fucking downer i have today i hate BPEL is the way to prove im gettig closer but...
  9. Perestroyka

    Erect stretching will benefit girth also?

    Can anybody confirm this? Im just curious to know is there any relation between erect streching and girh gains? :-)
  10. Blueballs

    10 months Extender progress pictures

    Hi Guys, Here are a few pictures I took on this journey to build a bigger penis, I started at 5" NBPx5.1"MSG and gained up to 5.5"NBPx5.4"MSG in 4 months with the newbie routine and after that bought a JES Extender and use it for 10 months for 4-6 hours/day with 20-30mins of dry Jelquing and...
  11. Perestroyka

    Erect stretching

    As for these, Im gonna try this in my next session, so what are your thoughts about this? Anyone made serious gains from this? And whats the feeling when you put on a work, do you just feel the stretch or you feel it along with stretched shaft (become longer due to stretch) And people if you...
  12. I

    New finding.

    Hello All. As you all know I have been trying to break my Lenght Plateau for many months now since i needed 2 things: 1- my Length to catch up with my girlth 2- cementing my Flacid gain to get erect gain So, I have been experimenting for last 8 weeks and here is my finding. 1-...
  13. 1

    10.25 by oct 1st

    Just thought i would share my routine since i am experiencing great gains. I am currently hanging 30lbs 3 times a day for 10 minutes each session followed by a30 minute nightly jelq session. I was clamping but felt my ligaments getting tougher. I have been doing this routine for a week and it...
  14. S

    girth gains stalling due to adaption?

    Hey guys. I'm somewhat let down by the impression that my gains always seem to come to a halt whenever I go on with a new exercise for more than 2 or 3 weeks. I had very fast initial gains with the classic jelq in my beginner phase (0.25" in 4 weeks). After that I had 3 month break because of...
  15. jekyllnhyde360

    question for DLD about erect stretches?

    Hey DLD, i just started using erect stretches becaus i just think that it would be cool to see if i can get some erect length from these, but lately i've been having trouble stretching . i have 2 issues , one is that when i stretch erect i always loose the blood trapped in the glans quickly so...
  16. DLD

    Essential SRT: The Fastest Way to a Massive Penis and a Perfect Body

    SRT Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory HUGE SPECIAL ON EQUIPMENT Why do some gain penis size and others struggle in penis enlargement? Yes, we can ask this question a million times and get a million theories, none that...
  17. DLD

    SRT SRT: The Fastest Way to a Massive Penis and a Perfect Body

    SRT Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory HUGE SPECIAL ON EQUIPMENT Why do some gain and others struggle in penis enlargement? Yes, we can ask this question a million times and get a million theories, none that hold more logic...
  18. jekyllnhyde360

    What's the best way to do erect stretches?

    Lately I've been getting kind of frustrated, I'm now pulling 7 and a half inche bpfsl .but my erect length is still always 6.75 bpel ,so I've been reading and matching the mos DVD and it says that erect stretches are the best. The problem I'm having is that I don't exactly know how to do it ...
  19. KingD

    Learning The LengthMaster

    Ever since my laptop has been down(which I use to take pics) I have not been posting because I believe that pics are the biggest thing to help people understand what you are talking about and actually see your gains. I decided last week that I was going to get back into Penis Enlargement since I...
  20. kawai123

    My routine

    Hello everyone I started pe 2 months ago. This is my routine:- Using extender for 2 hours 5 min warm up Stretching exercise and doing clockwise on my penis 500 jelqs Masterbate myself but I do not ejaculate. I just wanna make it really really hard and when I am about to ejaculate, I...
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