
  1. B

    Is it ok to lose erection while clamping?

    Hey all i've been clamping for about 2 weeks now, and I was just wondering do I have to stay erect for the full duration of my sets? When I lose my erection my penis is still engorged, but I figured its best to stay erect while clamped. :p So does it matter, or not? Thanks in advance!
  2. Vilified

    A PE Testimonial :) Real Talk

    INTRO I'm feeling on high listening to some good music typing this on the fly so please forgive some of my grammar and syntax. I simply feel like I wanted to share some of my journey with my Penis Enlargement brothers! So I just measured after 2 days off Penis Enlargement as per my personal...
  3. S

    Just Received My Bathmate!

    Hey ya'll I'm fairly new here, I honestly don't know how I ended up on this site lol. I think I was watching some �naked people movies� one day and saw and ad for the Bathmate so I did some research and it led me here! I've been lurking and doing some research on some exercises and I finally decided to purchase...
  4. O

    Monkey Spanker Question

    I picked up a monkey spanker after reading the SRT thread. I use it after length work outs and sometimes girth workouts as well. Is it best to go slowly through the shaft? or what method do you find the best use of for warm down/healing with device. I feel like it's an effective tool...
  5. BornInFigi

    Cockrings: unexpected benefits

    Cockrings: unexpected benefits Although I have only been using cockrings for a short time, I thought it prudent to share with my brothering a couple of unexpected benefits of using cockrings in and around Penis Enlargement. My cock rings of choice are the silicon beginner cockring which is...
  6. O

    Cock Ring SRT question

    Quick question on the proper wear of the cock ring for SRT purposes. Does the ring go just around the shaft or the cock and balls after a girth session to heal engorged? I've seen the question posted in a few other threads, but not answered. In the SRT thread it says to put it at the...
  7. R

    Do i have to upgrade my routine ?

    Hello brotherhood ! First post but not my first time here!. After buying the MoS DVD,i've decided to really start doing Penis Enlargement ! I'm 18 years old and today i hit my first month of successful Penis Enlargement. Super cautious,10~15mins warm up,same for warm down. I use lube but in my...
  8. F

    Starting over!

    Hey everyone, I used to do Penis Enlargement (mainly girth focused) for about 1 year - I took quite a long break (about 18months) and now really want to get back into it. Problem is, I am not sure where to start? I was hoping someone could give me some advice on how to go about getting the...
  9. S

    I think I've found a way to counteract skin coloration from Bathmate: Vitamin C

    Back a few months ago I was thinking about using Vitamin C as a Penis Enlargement supplement. It is said to increase collagen production and I thought it could lead to better tunica gains. I was taking about one tablespoon Vitamin C every morning and also tried dissolving some in the...
  10. Provider

    Anyone know a good shower gel to jelq with?

    I want to do some light jelqing in the shower. I was wondering if anyone knows a good shower gel to do this with? Is it safe to jelq with a shower gel? I don't want it irritating my penis like soap might. Also I am in the UK so it would preferably be available here and not too expensive.
  11. Mr.Bubbles

    Is what I'm doing safe?

    So recently I've decided to do 45 min sessions in the Bathmate once a day. I can handle it just fine my goal is one hour a day. I use to do 30 min during the day then another 30 before I fell asleep. I just want to know if this safe. I do the 45 min session before I fall asleep mostly...
  12. savageblue

    Dreaded red dots - Happens every f*cking time

    Hi, guys! I hope you all are well. I just need to vent a little frustration here. As some of you may know, I'm a strong supporter of jelqing. In fact, all my gains were a result of jelqing. When I strarted Penis Enlargement for the very first time, I tried a combination of both stretching...
  13. J

    Using both Air and Water Pumps

    I have the Penomet... I love it, and it has always worked perfectly in the 5x5x3 sets that I do. But there are just some days that I can't get the privacy to use the water pump, which sent me looking for an air pump as well. So I picked up the Vacutech Thick Wall Elliptical system and added...
  14. S

    Bathmate discoloration - The solution is...

    Hello guys! Let me talk a bit about my story. Half year ago, I was crazy aggressive user of the Bathmate X-40. Most of times I overpump it, using sessions like 45 min at once, and so on. It's true, that I actually raising cobra down there and I was really impressed with gains. But soon...
  15. A


    Would appreciate anyone's insight on this, particularly DLD's. 3-4 weeks ago I posted about a little bleeding from my urethra after doing some ssjs/jelqs (I have been doing ssj/Bathmate supersets for months, and I was only 5 minutes into my session). It happened twice, I took a couple days...
  16. H

    What's your favourite girth exercises right before sex?

    Which girth exercises gave you the most temporal girth expansion to use it right before sex?
  17. D

    Looking for BathMate HydroMax X30

    If anyone has one for sale, please PM me or post here... Preferably around $100 if in 100% working condition. Thanks brothers.
  18. Zambrodom3

    I am a very bad pump-er

    Hey guys! I am writing this thread to get some advices for my problem. I've been having my X40 for around a week now and since this is my first pump- it's still taking me time till I master it. In the beginning I had no idea on how to pump and was worried that there was water coming out when I...
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