Technology My router died from heat exposure.


Also called: SIM
Staff member
Jan 6, 2023
My router died from heat exposure (maybe old age had a factor as well). So I'm running internet through my laptop and using it as a Bluetooth Hotspot for my Android phone. The bandwidth is bad just: 1.37 Mbit down and 1.37 Mbit up.

Need to get a new router that's made for outdoor usage (or just get a cheap one), but they are so expensive. Have anyone had this problem? The heat of my penis enlargement (applying heat to the tissue with a heating fan) are killing my electronics. 😂
I don't want to waste money. This is a problem I never thought I would have. 🤔

To keep my laptop running cool in 30°C/86°F I need a big fan of 50 Watt on full blast blowing air at it.

Just a strange thread of my strange problems.
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Idk what your living situation is but if your heating fan is actually raising the ambient temp enough to roast a router, maybe consider having a separate area for PE or electronics (like an AC server room) lol
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Idk what your living situation is but if your heating fan is actually raising the ambient temp enough to roast a router, maybe consider having a separate area for PE or electronics (like an AC server room) LOL
Maybe it's possible.
But thanks. Maybe it was just to old.
Asus routers can be operated in 40°C inviroment.
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I have found a router that can be in this environment.

Operating temperature: -40 C to 75 C (- 40°F to 165°C).
10 % to 90 % non-condensing
Operating humidity
Ingress Protection Rating
So this router should survive, before I get extremely uncomfortable, with frost bites, or I get overheated and faint. 🤣😂

It will not be as fast as a consumer grade router (not the latest standard) on Wi-Fi. But I think reliability is the most important for me. I only need; 100 Mbit down/100 Mbit up. Often with consumer grade routers there can be issues with instabilities, and you need to restart the router from time to time. This is mostly due to underdimentioned hardware, and crappy software with bugs.

It may be overkilled. But if you know me. I'm all about overkilled. I live in a small apartment, and I need to keep the temps when doing PE at ~ 30 °C / 86 °F. So this device should survive with ease. I prefer cable connection when working on my PC (for example: uploading videos to MOS), but I need also Wi-Fi to work on my phone. The cable version (not with Wi-Fi) of this router is much cheaper.

Maybe 2 routers, one main one, and also a really cheap router for wireless only. 2 networks at home. But that will be even more overkilled since the first router will reduce the connectivity speeds, of the consumer grade router. The network will be to complicated as well. I need stability over high speeds. If I want high connection speed, I can use my laptop and a cable connection.

The benefits with this non consumer grade router, is that I will have more control of my network, and not risk data breach due to some server you need to connect to in order to upgrade the firmware (d-link, Asus...). With consumer grade routers you never know what data they will take from you (Maybe I'm wrong about this?). Also a non consumer grade router will be more stable as I mentioned before.

Just my thoughts about setting up my Network at home. I even have considered to build my own router, but that will take even more time to set up and get all the parts (I may also have to deal with compability issues with network cards...maybe?), and get the software to work as I want it to work.

Also it will draw more power (electricity), since it will be based off an old desktop PC. But that project would be so fun to do. 😊

Here's the router that I'm considering to buy:

This is not advertising.
MOS do not sell these so I think I'm good. Maybe they should sell these. 😂

The selling point should be:
If your router dies due to doing penis enlargement in the heat, you need this router.

I'm just joking around.
Maybe someone else will benefit from this information. As always I hope this helps.

Take care brothers.
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Don't have this heat issue in the UK LOL
I have a heating fan going to bring my temperature up to ~ 30°C when I'm doing penis enlargement. Even if it's in the middle of the summer here in Sweden.
That's why it's so hot in my apartment.
The heating fan are pushing hot air, into my tissue during warm up and during my session.
I have a heating fan going to bring my temperature up to ~ 30°C when I'm doing penis enlargement. Even if it's in the middle of the summer here in Sweden.
That's why it's so hot in my apartment.
The heating fan are pushing hot air, into my tissue during warm up and during my session.

I can see that can be beneficial
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