
Jun 20, 2003
I've been clamping for several month now, Monday-Friday with the weekend off. I've gotten some pretty good gains. My mid-shaft girth used to be 5.5, now it's 5.75. My foreshaft girth is the same at about 5.9. My base girth used to be 5.25, now it's 5.5.
Now to the problem
My girlfriend came one week ago after a 3 month vacation. I had no problems getting hard when I was with her before, but now it's the opposite. I'll give you an example, I was watching a movie with my girlfriend at my house one week ago and we started kissing. Normally at this point I would have an instant arousal at 100% full erection, but that was not the case. I was completely small and soft. She then put her hand down to where my zipper and started to grab, but the problem was she couldn't grab anything! So we kept kissing and her hand was still trying to look for my cock, but it was way down in my crotch hiding (unfortunately). I told her that junior was asleep and that she had to wake it up by giving it a blow job. She then pulled down my pants and proceeded to suck on it. I was concentrating really hard to get that fucker hard, but i couldn't. That little bastard was sleeping cold. I tried everything, I jerked off, I thought about my �naked people movies� collection that I watch every night, but I couldn't get it hard. She looked really confused, and she got up and said that she had to go somewhere. So I was really embarrassed and humilated. This happened again last weekend and the same thing happened, I could not get hard. She hasn't talked to me at all this week. She usually calls twice a day. Also, whenever I would talk to a nice girl at work I used to get a hardon, but now it's completely soft. It's like I'm gay or something. But I'm not, I'm very depressed about this issue.

What is the problem? Is my penis completely thrashed? I'm only 25 years old, I don't want to see a urologist and tell him I have erection problems. What is he going to do? Put me on a presciption drug? I know what you might say, take 2 or 3 weeks off and see if it helps. Well I actually went away for 3 weeks to California with my family, with no jelqing or clamping, and I had no sexual desire at all. I only masturbated twice, and even at those times my maximum erection was like 75%. Now it's difficult getting to 50% erection watching �naked people movies� movies. The only way for me to get to 100% erection is by putting my clamp on and tightening it to the last click and watching �naked people movies� on my own.
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Man that is a really sad story i can't even comprehend how i would feel if that would happen to me. Hopefully an experienced clamper will chime in and help. Maybe you were overworking it a little ? If it were me i would probably go see a doctor if the problem isn't fixed over time off from Penis Enlargement.
You could try using the ROP if you aren't already. Otherwise I'm a big fan of l-arginine, and yohimbine if you are in good health. Definitely do not clamp until you get this straightened out.

And as Kong would say, FR makes everything better. LMAO
So are you still clamping? Do you have trouble getting hard for a clamp session? Was the only time you were hard while you were in the clamp? If so, you could have atrophied your PC muscle by relying on the clamp too much.
yes, try some kegels, whenever I have a bit of trouble, kegels usually do it for me..
Guy, I'm pretty much hated on this board for my aversion to clamping. Give my Progress Log a thorough read, it may help you discover some of the things that I have. I had the exact same problem, to the point that I was ready to give up Penis Enlargement. But now I'm rocking steel hard erections every thirty minutes AND making great gains. I would post more here but I would get the usual 'your full of shit' replies - not in the mood tonite. If you have questions, PM me, I'd be happy to help.
AlloyCG said:
Guy, I'm pretty much hated on this board for my aversion to clamping. Give my Progress Log a thorough read, it may help you discover some of the things that I have. I had the exact same problem, to the point that I was ready to give up Penis Enlargement. But now I'm rocking steel hard erections every thirty minutes AND making great gains. I would post more here but I would get the usual 'your full of shit' replies - not in the mood tonite. If you have questions, PM me, I'd be happy to help.

AlloyCG, I don't know that you are hated on this board, I for one would like to hear what you have to say about clamping. Speak up....even if it is again. I have not heard this before, so I am interested. I have not clamped and was thinking of doing it but now am hesitant. What did you do to undo or get back to normal. GS
I notice the same effect from both clamping and using vacuum pumps. My solution...I threw out the pump and I only clamp occasionally, and then not more than two or three ten minute sessions, while edging. Although clamping is a effective Penis Enlargement technique, it is pretty rough, and I would say you need more than a couple weeks to recoup. I think you way overdid it!
I had this problem also. I found that clamping over 20 mins in one session does this. Especially when your dick goes cold to the touch, but u dont realize it at first. I did 2 30 minute clamp sessions in one day, and I was impotent for three days, and then lost almost a quarter inch in girth. Now I'm only doing 10 minute clamp sessions followed by 10 mins of jelqing. You HAVE to look for the signs when clamping: cold to touch, purple, fluid buildup, etc. Your gonna do some damage if you start doing 20+ clamp sessions w/o a break if you're just starting.
I had this problem too. Quit the clamping for a couple of weeks and give yourself a few days off of Penis Enlargementing. In the mean time, do some exercersing and get lots of sleep. Start taking more vitamins like B12, 6, zinc, Arginine.
If your going to clamp, do it every other day and no more than 10 minutes each time, your overdoing it right now. Everyone has a limit, your need to take a step back or so.
mike2003 said:
I've been clamping for several month now, Monday-Friday with the weekend off. I've gotten some pretty good gains. My mid-shaft girth used to be 5.5, now it's 5.75. My foreshaft girth is the same at about 5.9. My base girth used to be 5.25, now it's 5.5.
Now to the problem
My girlfriend came one week ago after a 3 month vacation. I had no problems getting hard when I was with her before, but now it's the opposite. I'll give you an example, I was watching a movie with my girlfriend at my house one week ago and we started kissing. Normally at this point I would have an instant arousal at 100% full erection, but that was not the case. I was completely small and soft. She then put her hand down to where my zipper and started to grab, but the problem was she couldn't grab anything! So we kept kissing and her hand was still trying to look for my cock, but it was way down in my crotch hiding (unfortunately). I told her that junior was asleep and that she had to wake it up by giving it a blow job. She then pulled down my pants and proceeded to suck on it. I was concentrating really hard to get that fucker hard, but i couldn't. That little bastard was sleeping cold. I tried everything, I jerked off, I thought about my �naked people movies� collection that I watch every night, but I couldn't get it hard. She looked really confused, and she got up and said that she had to go somewhere. So I was really embarrassed and humilated. This happened again last weekend and the same thing happened, I could not get hard. She hasn't talked to me at all this week. She usually calls twice a day. Also, whenever I would talk to a nice girl at work I used to get a hardon, but now it's completely soft. It's like I'm gay or something. But I'm not, I'm very depressed about this issue.

What is the problem? Is my penis completely thrashed? I'm only 25 years old, I don't want to see a urologist and tell him I have erection problems. What is he going to do? Put me on a presciption drug? I know what you might say, take 2 or 3 weeks off and see if it helps. Well I actually went away for 3 weeks to California with my family, with no jelqing or clamping, and I had no sexual desire at all. I only masturbated twice, and even at those times my maximum erection was like 75%. Now it's difficult getting to 50% erection watching �naked people movies� movies. The only way for me to get to 100% erection is by putting my clamp on and tightening it to the last click and watching �naked people movies� on my own.

Sorry to hear this, but how do you know for certain its attributed to the clamp sessions? it could be STRESS or anything mate.
PM me and I will have a look through your entire routines and try to see if I see any sorta problem. Either link me to the thread or tell me in the PM, not here....it'll be off topic......tell me EVERYTHING you do and did with the clamps, upto now with the shitty erections.
I will TRY to help, but I think this isnt a clamp problem, more like stress or anxiety, this happens.

Guy, I'm pretty much hated on this board for my aversion to clamping. Give my Progress Log a thorough read, it may help you discover some of the things that I have. I had the exact same problem, to the point that I was ready to give up Penis Enlargement. But now I'm rocking steel hard erections every thirty minutes AND making great gains. I would post more here but I would get the usual 'your full of shit' replies - not in the mood tonite. If you have questions, PM me, I'd be happy to help

All in your head.
Smallguy44 said:
I had this problem also. I found that clamping over 20 mins in one session does this. Especially when your dick goes cold to the touch, but u dont realize it at first. I did 2 30 minute clamp sessions in one day, and I was impotent for three days, and then lost almost a quarter inch in girth. Now I'm only doing 10 minute clamp sessions followed by 10 mins of jelqing. You HAVE to look for the signs when clamping: cold to touch, purple, fluid buildup, etc. Your gonna do some damage if you start doing 20+ clamp sessions w/o a break if you're just starting.

Doesnt sound normal, I dont think clamping agrees with you, not everyone will have it agree with them, maybe its best you stop clamping.
thats good news red. BTW cheers for the clamping info.
no probz, also get ya ass onto my forum where I can give 121 help, its better their for guys into constricters
Oflate I've been trying a very simple ADC for night time. Just get hard & pull up a sock over the dick (so that the elastic goes all the way behind the balls.. to avoid rubber band scars). Then I wrap a thick rubber band (the stationary store kind) one round on the base and one round behind the balls. This is not too tight. I don't observe any discoloration after hours (even when I get up in the morn). The best thing is to jelq in the evening or before sleeping then appy this ADC. In the morning its like damn! But it's mainly swelling rather than gains so far (and I'm one of the worst gainers BTW)
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