Recent content by colossaltitan

  1. C

    Newbie progress Start of my PE journey and adding supplements

    I would not hang with the length master for long hours, the device is too cumbersome. If you're gonna use the length master then use it for manual stretches like it was made for, the weight hanging can be an add on for days when you don't feel like doing manual stretches and just want an hour of...
  2. C

    Pumping šŸ˜Ž

    Big as hell my guy!
  3. C

    New 20k PE device

    The reddit moderator using it will hopefully stay consistent with documenting his results and we'll see if it's any good. But even if it works the barrier of entry which in this case is the cost is far too great and won't be accessible to 99% of people.
  4. C

    Combined mityvac and bathmate

    In that case you can do like I said in my other post about not filling it all the way with water. If you are pumping water out that is going into the trap then you have more water than is needed. As your penis expands it is taking up more space in the tube leaving less room for water. If you...
  5. C

    Combined mityvac and bathmate

    Also, don't fill the pump all the way with water, that way you can pump out air before the water trap is used. Fill it enough to over your penis and then leave the rest of the pump empty.
  6. C

    Combined mityvac and bathmate

    I think it's intended purpose is as an air pump. Try it with air and lotion, you'll probably have a better time with it.
  7. C

    Penis Health Injury after long session

    You need to stop vacuum pumping until there is no more wound and then a little bit longer to be certain. If you keep pumping on where a cut used to be that isn't gone then it'll continue to blister.
  8. C

    What can i expect with this newbie routine

    Length pumping isn't a practice that I would recommend as you do not get that elongation that you're looking for when doing length work as well as the fact that after a certain point all the "expansion" you see will just be oedema. Stick with just 20 minutes in the Bathmate in 10x2minute...
  9. C

    What is Clamping

    It is when you get an erection and then trap the blood in the penis using a cock ring in order to induce angiogenesis via the build-up of pressure inside the penis which causes the blood vessels to break and new ones to form following their reconstruction. The rings stop blood from leaving but...
  10. C


    What made you stop using it? It is normally just for the purposes of peyronies.
  11. C

    My story...worst phase of my life.

    Welcome to the forum brother. Really sorry to hear about those events that took place, I hate seeing guys broken down by this shit. Looking at your starting measurements I can clearly see you are above average in both length and girth, meaning that this "lack of pleasure" those girls were...
  12. C

    What can i expect with this newbie routine

    Not a bad routine but I would say forget the Phallosan at night as it's too dangerous. Keep the hand stretching. Change the quick extender pro for a higher quality vacuum based extender. Reduce Bathmate pumping to 20 minutes broken up into 2-5 minute sets.
  13. C

    Newbie progress Start of my PE journey and adding supplements

    Try placing the ruler in the same place as the first picture. it'll give a more accurate reading
  14. C

    Penis Health Injury after long session

    Don't do PE with a blister like that it will lead to scarring
  15. C

    Penis Health Injury after long session

    This is the injury I had. Identical to yours, it's now gone completly and I haven't had it since from learning how to properly wrap my penis when stretching.
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