How Often To Masturbate?

The world is also a much more over sexualised place now. I'm not thinking like that 'cos I'm getting older LOL

feel sorry for the young generations today, you know, the kids growing up, the teens, and young adults twenty something.

They are measured by appearances allot nowadays, and having to walk, act, talk a certain way. All this social media crap 24/7, smartphone addictions.

What I'm saying kinda links in with the thread theme, in that people are so exposed to �naked people movies� these days. When I was a kid, it was the magazine found in the bushes that introduced me to the fanny at around age 11, and I had my first fanny at 13.

Nowadays, I cant even imagine it, kids are seeing sexual acts, and not normal ones at that, when they are just 5 years old!!! it makes me angry that the world has become like this!!!! it will have a harmful impact on them in some fashion, maybe they will not like sex at first when they are adults from what they saw? or they may be trying to carry out the hardcore moves?

All this material, music videos with people literally naked all the time, its going to increase peoples inclination to want to masturbate. Its a test ... you must not give in to the temptation, no I'm not preaching from any book/s, its not good for any person to be simply a reactive being .... be a proactive being, dont simply be like (no disrespect to them as I love them all) some animal species that act out of reaction 24/7.

We as humans are meant to be smart ... the earth is being literally raped by humankind, and, believe it or not, it will fight back. The time will come when something occurs, and all humankind will be wiped out clean, just like the dinos.

The thing is, we could learn from the habit of masturbation, that our reactive nature is often to blame for the state around us, the shit all over the floor outside in my town from lazy rats that cant be bothered to use a bin just meters away!!!!! I feel so sorry for the animals, they never asked to be harmed like this.

Anyway .. use masturbation as a lesson in life, moderation, and proactive nature is good, but a reactive animalistic nature is bad.
A reactive animalistic nature,wonder whats the percentage of people thats acting that way,After all sex is not that rational is it? How population has grown for the last 400 years...

Love and sex can they go together all the time?,What happens when a man or a woman is unfaithful to her couple,whats the reason people do that,They dont love really feel the love for each other....Dishonesty,having a hedonist way to see life...etc any suggestions comments etc
The world is also a much more over sexualised place now. I'm not thinking like that 'cos I'm getting older LOL

feel sorry for the young generations today, you know, the kids growing up, the teens, and young adults twenty something.

They are measured by appearances allot nowadays, and having to walk, act, talk a certain way. All this social media crap 24/7, smartphone addictions.

What I'm saying kinda links in with the thread theme, in that people are so exposed to �naked people movies� these days. When I was a kid, it was the magazine found in the bushes that introduced me to the fanny at around age 11, and I had my first fanny at 13.

Nowadays, I cant even imagine it, kids are seeing sexual acts, and not normal ones at that, when they are just 5 years old!!! it makes me angry that the world has become like this!!!! it will have a harmful impact on them in some fashion, maybe they will not like sex at first when they are adults from what they saw? or they may be trying to carry out the hardcore moves?

All this material, music videos with people literally naked all the time, its going to increase peoples inclination to want to masturbate. Its a test ... you must not give in to the temptation, no I'm not preaching from any book/s, its not good for any person to be simply a reactive being .... be a proactive being, dont simply be like (no disrespect to them as I love them all) some animal species that act out of reaction 24/7.

We as humans are meant to be smart ... the earth is being literally raped by humankind, and, believe it or not, it will fight back. The time will come when something occurs, and all humankind will be wiped out clean, just like the dinos.

The thing is, we could learn from the habit of masturbation, that our reactive nature is often to blame for the state around us, the shit all over the floor outside in my town from lazy rats that cant be bothered to use a bin just meters away!!!!! I feel so sorry for the animals, they never asked to be harmed like this.

Anyway .. use masturbation as a lesson in life, moderation, and proactive nature is good, but a reactive animalistic nature is bad.

I agree......
However I have a way to fight this system.......
I am just 21 years old and I know that I am too young to say this......

Sex scenes in movies and exposure to �naked people movies� is not the only thing which is wrong with our generation. Our lack of responsibility and education towards sex is also frightening. Our schools will teach us about the "science" behind sex (i.e the male reproductive organ is known as penis, the female one is known as vagina, the male organ releases semen/sperm, the female organ releases egg, etc....) but will not teach us about the need of sex. Whomever you ask, will always tell you that sex is a need but will not tell you why it is a need. I am speaking from my experience, I was introduced to this when I was 12 and I clearly didn't know what I am going into. I still remember the first time I masturbated(It hurt a lot (cwl)) . It used to feel good. None of my elders taught me about this so all the information I got about sex and fapping is from internet and �naked people movies�(and I do not need to tell you the types of people and information you find on internet) . For 8 years I was fapping just because I was liking loving it. It was later I realized that there is more to sex than just fapping around like a wild animal. It was later I realized that in order to enjoy sex you are supposed to be in love. I realized that sex with someone you love is the most beautiful kind of sex one can ever experience. Since then I have never truly enjoyed neither masturbation nor �naked people movies�.

Excellent work my brothers this is such a great thread. I know my problem lately has been stress. There’s so much on my mind right now and things just keep piling on putting me more and more in a stressful place. And when I’m in this stressful condition I seem to gravitate towards masturbation instead of anything else. I’m not sure why that is I wish I could go to something else.
Excellent work my brothers this is such a great thread. I know my problem lately has been stress. There’s so much on my mind right now and things just keep piling on putting me more and more in a stressful place. And when I’m in this stressful condition I seem to gravitate towards masturbation instead of anything else. I’m not sure why that is I wish I could go to something else.

facing things we hate i guess or we dont want to do,stress is a bitch but jerking off wont help us out to solve our situation...
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back in the day our parents didnt have access to �naked people movies� the only thing they may have was that old naked hoes mag, same whit the grandpass.....

A sexualized society we live in, and people choose the ones they want to fuck whit if they are down for it they go for it, We live in an open minded society Women are free to choose the cock(s) they want to fuck whit..Men choose the pussy they want to fuck too we all have an endless source of meat lol..
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It is perfectly normal and healthy to masturbate. There is nothing wrong with it, if your hand gravitates towards your cock let her go.

The problem is when you masturbate because of distractions like �naked people movies� for example. That will lead you to excessive masturbation and a deviation from the normal world.

Avoid any kind of external arousal other than a real woman. Stay away from naked pictures and �naked people movies� in general.

If you just feel like jerking off because you feel horny, go for it. If in the middle of the process you lose your erection, move on, it just means you were not horny enough.

The worst we can do it to feel horny and go watch �naked people movies� to jerk off. And its hard to control. Feeling horny really fuck up your mind and lead to that temptation. If you feel horny perhaps go for a walk, distract yourself with something else. It will come to the point that you HAVE to beat the monkey just with your thoughts and theres nothing wrong with that.
I just don’t go beyond what I believe to be wrong and then I’m always safe. But the problem with this is temptation can become stronger and I can bring myself into places i don’t want to be. In order for me to masturbate without any type of regret I need to keep my mind on my wife. If I can do this it doesn’t matter how many times I masturbate as I do not believe masturbation is any type of sin, Where things become sinful is when I go outside of that restricted area.

Another thing I try to avoid is using masturbation as a way to deal with feelings. I’m not contradicting myself here what I’m saying is we can’t use it as a reaction to the way we feel about something all the time because it will become an obsessive problem. So I try to keep masturbation with in the realm of when I need to do it, I know this by the way I am feeling and how short my frustration and temper is.
Keep in strict moderation. If you dont need to do it, dont do it.

Indeed moderation in all things. Because even masturbation can become obsessional even without the dirty visuals. For me it only happens if I’m stressed out and I decided that I’m going to do it. It’s never really a temptation so the enemy can suck my cock! When I do something wrong I did it wrong. But like my Mother says all things in moderation.
Indeed moderation in all things. Because even masturbation can become obsessional even without the dirty visuals. For me it only happens if I’m stressed out and I decided that I’m going to do it. It’s never really a temptation so the enemy can suck my cock! When I do something wrong I did it wrong. But like my Mother says all things in moderation.

Dont get obsessed with your NME sucking your cock!!
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Masturbation is one huge waste of energy.

I prefer to use that energy during ritual, and it allows me to have much more powerful OOBE, otherwise when wanking allot, more so if I ejaculate, the spiritual side of life gets damaged.

This is why people who obsess about sex, and cant live without a man or woman in bed, will never make it on the path I live, as it saps your life force away, hence you can never live a true spiritual life.

That's one way to look at it or one can use the sexual energy of orgasm into a creative outlet. One tantra teacher teaches mediate, masturbate, and create.
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There is an ancient Egyptian technique used to re use the orgasmic energy throughout the body. Without this technique, yes is a waste of energy. But developing this technique, allows you to loop the energy and replenish your body.
That's one way to look at it or one can use the sexual energy of orgasm into a creative outlet. One tantra teacher teaches mediate, masturbate, and create.

That is exactly what I use it for. I have been celibate for 11 years now and occasionally I become frustrated and the best release for me as masturbation. I am releasing an unwanted libido.
Exactly thats what I do with the orgasmic energy, however I get to that state without masturbation or ejaculation. The energy travels up from my base through my energy centers, and through the skull cap.

Your misinterpreting the energy being linked with actual masturbation, it doesn't. The energy is already there, the masturbation leading to orgasm is ONE method only, the poor mans method. You can stay in the zone for hours on end with that energy without ever touching yourself, never cumming, same orgasmic energy however.

It has taken me 5 years to become even competent at it.
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Exactly thats what I do with the orgasmic energy, however I get to that state without masturbation or ejaculation. The energy travels up from my base through my energy centers, and through the skull cap.

Your misinterpreting the energy being linked with actual masturbation, it doesn't. The energy is already there, the masturbation leading to orgasm is ONE method only, the poor mans method. You can stay in the zone for hours on end with that energy without ever touching yourself, never cumming, same orgasmic energy however.

It has taken me 5 years to become even competent at it.

For me it is simply a quick release. I spend no more than five minutes getting it done LOL I simply just don’t have that large of a libido so I don’t get horny very often. But it seems like when stress builds up that’s when I need to force myself to go knock one off.
Hey everyone.....
I know it is all of a sudden that I posted in this thread......
My question is.... should I ejaculate after my jelqing session?

My routine is divided into 2 parts (i)Stretching (ii)Jelqing
I stretch at night before sleeping and jelq during shower. In this way i can jelq everyday instead of stretching and jelqing on alternate days.
Also, I know that I am supposed to jelq my penis to fatigue and it is really easy to reach the state of fatigue when you ejaculate.
Should I have to ejaculate everyday after jelqing to reach fatigue?
I am also having issues with masturbation......
I think I am addicted to it.....

Everyday I wake up with a boner and I cannot control it.....
I get a sudden urge of masturbation right after I wake up in the morning......
This thing leads to �naked people movies� and after that, to masturbation.......
I am masturbating since 2010 and since that day I wasn't been able to hold myself for a week.
I just feel horny all the time........

I do not want to be disrespectful..... but my addiction has increased since I have started PE.....
My length and girth has increased significantly because of PE and I feel sexually ready whenever I see my erect penis......
It's just that..... I bigger penis feels good to masturbate......

I am also trying to gain weight & beard and in order to have those I have to control my masturbation habits.....
Please help(confused)
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